"Maybe we should have a musical episode" |
Team Flash faces off against Meta - Human Shawna Baez (Brite Oldford) AKA Peek - A - Boo who uses her teleporting ability to free her boyfriend from Iron Heights and Henry runs into trouble while helping to solve the crime. Meanwhile Caitlin and Barry decide to move on from Ronnie and Iris and Barry meets Linda Park (Malese Jow) who also works for Central City Picture News and Cisco works with Piped Piper to find Ronnie.
First I guess I will talk about the Meta - Human and we finally get another female one which is the teleporting Peek - A - Boo. Now she was obviously a one off villain of the week but I like them in the Flash and Arrow universe because you can't just focus on major villains and massive story arcs all of the time. I liked her teleporting ability and her two fights she had with Barry, especially the second one where Barry had to use her weakness to stop her (similar to his fight with The Mist). Her powers also proved to be quite the challenge because teleporting was a match for speed more than I thought and it is good to have a break from villains who use gadgets. However maybe because she was a one off villain but they didn't delve into her character from the comics as much as I would have want, since in the comics she isn't all bad and is conflicted with what she does but they barely scratch the surface here. Plus her defeat was really underwhelming with the way she just gave up to Barry when her boyfriend bailed on her.
GORILLA GRODD!!!! Now you just need your armour |
As for the rest of the episode I really enjoyed the comedic moments with Barry and Caitlin at the bar and singing (which was so funny) and it was nice seeing Caitlin out of her shell a bit as an assuming drunk. Now I don't think there will be romance between the two, I just think this is showing how much good friends they have become but speaking of romance Linda was introduced this episode; she is from the comics but I won't spoil anything now or go into detail since she will probably have a larger role next episode. Also Barry had a nice scene with his father in the prison hospital which was pretty damn touching and I like how Henry knows his son is The Flash but is being elusive about it probably because he is in jail right now and can't do anything about it. Still I like his character and I am glad they gave him more to do this episode. Finally Cisco actually had the strongest sub plot this episode because we got to find out more about the Firestorm Matrix, he worked with Piped Piper (glad he has broken free) and he is more of a fighter than I thought. I liked that Cisco had a more active role this episode than just behind a computer and inventing gadgets and I hope to see more. Before I end I just have to mention the scene with Gorilla Grodd...........GORILLA FREAKING GRODD! An awesome Flash villain who I am really looking forward to seeing in action; he was probably one of the trickiest to put in live action but I have complete faith in the guys behind the show. Plus I hope Piped Piper returns to help fight Grodd because he does in the comics.
"Don't you dare teleport!" |
Overall this was a really solid episode with some strong character moments and an awesome teaser to Gorilla Grodd.
SCORE: 9/10
Highlights: Moments with Caitlin and Barry and Barry and his Father
Cisco had a strong role and learning more about Firestorm
Peek - A - Boo was a great villain of the week
Let - Downs: Peek - A - Boo's surrender was disappointing
The great screenshots of the episodes where provided by the great site Screencapped. You can look for yourself from the link below;
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