The Song of Ice and Fire |
Captain Cold returns to Central City with Heat Wave to steal a priceless painting but instead kidnap someone close to The Flash. Meanwhile Barry is training harder so he can take on Reverse Flash and begins to doubt himself because of how Captain Cold bested him last time, Iris also deals with the aftermath of Barry's confession. As you might have noticed I am shortening the plot explanation because anyone who reads my reviews have already watched the episode and it takes a lot time anyway, this way I can go straight to my thoughts.
Moving on to the episode it was great to see the return of Captain Cold because Wentworth Miller is having quite the presence on the show and definitely feels like his Captain Cold is going to be a real nemesis to The Flash (Well's words). Then there was the introduction of Heat Wave who is the complete opposite of Captain Cold which is why I felt the two worked well together. Captain Cold was a lot more calm and the one to come up with the plans while Heat Wave was a fire - obsessed hot head. I liked every scene they where in and their battle with The Flash at the end was just awesome; Flash running on the buildings while they're firing their heat and cold guns at him was just so cool. I have said before that I really enjoy villain team ups and this one was a great beginning to The Rouges and it definitely isn't over as the ending implies. It seems next time we see Captain Cold and Heat Wave they will be accompanied by Lisa Snart AKA Golden Glider who looks to be equipped with a grapple gun, so I am defiantly looking forward to seeing more of these characters.
"I owned you missile!" |
As for the rest of the episode Barry had some really great character development where he was conflicted between the advice of his father figure West and his mentor Wells, all the while he had to deal with the defeat at the hands of Reverse Flash and confessing his love to Iris. I did really like that the defeat is still haunting Barry which is shown with his constant training and siding with Wells but I feel that the Iris subplot was brushed aside. I guess I am a bit glad they didn't linger too long on it but all they did was just not talk to each other all episode and then they seem to get over it at the end; felt like the writers was just rushing it. Two other characters who where great where Cisco and Caitlin; Cisco had some strong material when dealing with the police and handling the backlash from them for the S.T.A.R labs explosion and his shield design was cool. However the CCPD where kind of useless this episode because Eddie was the only one he did anything in the fight at the end. As for Caitlin her Firestorm subplot is really getting more interesting now and I hope we continue to find more information about it with every episode because this also gives her character a storyline of her own. Plus this also introduced the character Jason Rusch (Luc Roderique) who does play a significant role with Firestorm in the comics.
"Can I have your attention please" |
Overall this was an awesome episode to have after such a long wait because of the mid season break and I am really looking forward to future episodes that involve more of the Rouges.
SCORE: 8/10
Highlights: Captain Cold and Heat Wave
Barry's conflict
Strong Cisco and Caitlin subplots
Let - Downs: The awkwardness between Barry and Iris seems to be over completely now
The CCPD wasn't that effective this episode
The great screenshots of the episodes where provided by the great site Screencapped. You can look for yourself from the link below;
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