Finally! We have an episode that gives us the back story on Nora.
"Don't worry guys, I can smell a trap a mile away" |
This episode begins with the group bribing a Militia soldier with gold so that they can get across a bridge in Freeport Pennsylvania which Miles says is the fastest way to getting to Philadelphia since the Militia destroyed the other bridges. However Miles notices a trap and they run off back the way they came but not before Miles sees Strausser in the distance. The group would now have to find an alternate route Philadelphia which would take them days but Miles is reluctant to fight Strausser because he was the only Militia soldier who scared him. Before they can leave however one of Strausser's men shouts out that they have Nora's sister Mia Clayton (Alyssa Diaz) and he wants the group to hand over the pendant and Miles.
There lucky this guy doesn't bother checking under beds |
We then have a Flashback after The Blackout and a young Nora and her sister are hiding under a bed from an armed intruder in their house, they manage to keep quiet enough that the guy doesn't notice them. Young Nora then finds their mom murdered in her bed but decides to keep it a secret from her sister, instead telling her that their mom went to Texas to be with their dad and that they should follow. In Philadelphia Tom finds that his son is being beaten and after asking Monroe about it he finds out that Jason bribed someone for the whereabouts of Strausser, which is top secret. Monroe wants to send Jason to the California Commonwealth which Tom is not happy about because of the extremely long and dangerous journey and the Commonwealth have murdered their people before. Monroe however says that what Jason did is close to treason and that by rights he could have him executed instead.
With no power torture just seems so crude now |
Miles tries to destroy the pendant but it is so strong he can't break it, Nora instead comes up with a plan and with a series of explosions they manage to free Mia and escape. While the group decides how to get to Philadelphia now Mia suggests, even though she is against such a suicide mission, that they try a guy she knows who has a boat.
"I didn't sign up for this!!" |
There is then a Flashback four months after The Blackout and young Nora and Mia are in Texas and they have made it to their father's beach house however he is nowhere to be seen. An upset young Nora decides to come clean that their mother is dead and that she has no idea were their father is. Back in the present the group are making their way to where Mia says the boat is when she takes Nora to one side for a chat. Turns out she managed to find their father in Texas after years of searching and wants Nora to leave the Monroe Republic with her so they can be with him again, Charlie overhears this. Nora is unsure about leaving because she promised to rescue Danny but then the group comes across the body of the guy who owned the boat and Miles thinks that Strausser rode on a head and found the guy first.
"I just love eavesdropping" |
In Philadelphia Tom's wife Julia has found out that John Faber (one of Monroe's military advisors) son is a member of the Rebels and that they can use that info to bribe Monroe not to send away their son. Back with the group Mia again tries to persuade Nora to leave with her but Nora is still not sure however Charlie insists she goes saying that she cannot abandon her family. Nora and the group say their farewells and they part ways.
"I must admit sis that your group is more than a little weird" |
Meanwhile Julia's plan has worked; for his loyalty and information Monroe says that Jason doesn't need to go anywhere. However Faber's son and several Rebels where executed and Faber is being severely beaten up, Tom just looks on. Back with Nora and Mia they are surrounded by Strausser and his men but then Mia gives them Aaron's pendant (must have stole it earlier) and reveals the location of Miles's group, Strausser thanks her for her cooperation and leaves. Nora is angry but Mia is sorry while saying that they would have both been killed if she didn't make a deal and that unfortunately she never found their father. Nora, disgusted, tells Mia never to find her again and runs off to help the others.
All according to Strausser's plan |
Back with the group Aaron notices that the pendant is missing but before they can do anything they are attacked by Strausser and his men and are quickly pinned down. Nora however sneaks up from behind and manages to cause some confusion; enough for the group to get away after Miles has a quick one on one fight with Strausser. Nora regroups with them but they are forced to jump in to a fast flowing river to escape from the Militia.
Yep, that isn't at all dangerous |
The group survives but Aaron is annoyed at how he could lose the pendant but Miles is angry because now this means Monroe can now use tanks and jets against the Rebels and other nations. Charlie then tells Nora that she shouldn't feel bad for trusting her sister and we then get another Flashback where the young Nora is promising Mia that they will always look out for each other. The episode ends with Strausser delivering the pendant to Monroe, who gives it to Rachael for her work and Julia thinking that it is time for a new leader of the Republic while looking at Tom.
"I finally have my precious" |
Got another character centred episode her and I am finally glad that it was Nora.
This episode was really good because not only was a more exciting character centred one than the last one we had (Aaron's) and it didn't have the feeling of filler like the previous episode (The Children's Crusade). I really liked that we finally have some backstory on Nora and her sister was a really good character for the plot and it is such a real shame that we never see her again after this. It really makes you wonder who to trust in Revolution because of the reveal that Mia had lied to Nora, makes you think to question everyone else. What I also really liked about Mia was that you are sympathetic to her situation; she may have lied and stole but she never did it for selfish reasons and probably would not have done it if not for Strausser.
"Just give me one clear shot at your head Strausser" |
Speaking of Strausser he turned out to be a really great villain, just like I thought; he is ruthless, sadistic and willing to use any means to achieve his goal, even a character like Miles admits he is afraid of Strausser! I was also briefly hinted that Strausser might have been in a asylum before The Blackout which means that the Monroe Republic isn't picky about who they recruit, it also makes me want to see a Flashback for him. Also another great character for this episode was Julia and just as I thought she is just a manipulative and cunning as Tom, can't wait to see the two hatch more schemes in the future.
The ultimate husband and wife duo |
This episode also opened the pathways to future events, firstly it seems that Monroe now has a pendant and may soon have power. How long it will take and what will he first do with it is anyone's guess but I hope it is soon because I'll be interested in seeing how Miles and the rest fight against the Republic then. Also Julia's hint that Tom should be in charge of the Republic makes me think that we could see a cu within the Militia. It is implied that Monroe hasn't been the same since Miles left so maybe there are some like Julia who thinks it's time for new leadership?
Even though they are chased by Militia at least it's a nice day |
I guess for some other quick mentions at least we got some more information on another nation, the California Commonwealth, and its seems that it is quite a ruthless place, hope we see it in future episodes. Also it was interesting when Charlie says that she never encountered the guns that were used today and it was just another example of how sheltered she has been until now but it looks like the group may face heavier fire power the closer they get to Danny.
Overall this was a way better episode than the last two when Miles just rushed in to save the day at the very end, it was a better character episode than Aaron's but not as good as Tom's. The reason for this is because I really liked seeing the transformation of Tom's character and while Nora's flashback had some great backstory it wasn't as exciting either. We also had some great shoot outs such as the explosive one at the beginning and an awesome confrontation between Miles and Strausser.
SCORE: 9/10
Highlights: Nora and Mia story
Tom and Julia's plan
Let - Downs: While Nora's Flashback was could we still don't know how she worked for the Militia before and how she found the Rebels to join them.
The great screenshots of the episodes where provided by the great site Screencapped. You can look for yourself from the link below;
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