Quite a unique episode!
The episode begins in a Rebel base at West Chester and Miles is being beaten up by some of the Rebels. Turns out the group went to the base in hope of finding some help to infiltrate Philadelphia and even though Nora showed them her tattoo, they are still wary of them because of Miles. However Miles manages to convince them that he is their best chance to assassinate Monroe so they agree to give him a few Rebels to assist them which includes Sargent Joseph Wheatley (Reed Diamond).
Nothing like getting wasted before a big mission |
The group then makes it to the outskirts of Philadelphia just outside of an old, abandon subway tunnel that Miles says is like a back entrance to the city. After taking out the guards the group make their way inside however Charlie steps on something buried in the ground which Nora reveals to be a land mine. Meanwhile in Independence Hall Rachael is working on a device and explains to Tom and one of his men that is can amplify the power of a pendant. Apparently the pendant only had a range of 9 - 15 feet and can only power small things but the amplifier boosts its range to half a mile and can power jets and tanks.
Why still have candles when the pendant can power the lights/lamps in your area? Just making a fire hazard |
Back in the tunnel Nora manages to free Charlie from the land mine but the explosion after seals the entrance to the tunnel so that the group must move on. Along the way Miles thinks he sees a Militia scout but it turns out to be nothing and Nora even thinks that she is dragged underwater by a alligator. Aaron figures out why Miles and Nora thought they saw what they saw; they where hallucinating! The sealed entrance has cut off their air supply so they are slowly suffocating and seeing things, the group decides to move even faster to the exit now.
Would have been interesting if an alligator was really there lol |
Later on the group comes across the exit that Miles was leading them to but it turns out that it has been sealed up. Miles does not know what else they could do but Wheatley insists that they move on and try and find another exit. Aaron also has his own hallucination about his lost wife who insults Aaron by saying why he is this strong for Charlie when he abandoned her when things got tough. He manages to snap out of it but shortly after this Miles has another one and sees a door while hearing Led Zeppelin's "Kashmir".
"I really wish I didn't get so wasted earlier now" |
As Miles steps through the door and ends up in Monroe's office in Independence Hall during the day time and the doors are then closed by a smiling Monroe who embraces Miles. Miles says that this isn't real to which Monroe quickly agrees, saying that he is like the manifestation of Miles's thoughts. We learn that the reason that Miles left the Republic was that he tried to assassinate Monroe but couldn't go through with it and the reason he tired was because Monroe went too far and killed too many innocents. Monroe also reveals Miles's darkest secret that he wants no one else to know; that if Monroe forgave him and let him back in the Republic, Miles would most likely accept. Miles denies this but Monroe merely says that he is in his head and knows what he is thinking however this is soon ended when Charlie snaps Miles out of it.
"If this really is a dream.....then this glass will never run out!" |
Eventually the group finds another exit to the tunnels however Wheatley turns out to be a Militia spy and quickly kills all the Rebels who are with them. He then moves Miles through the exit at gunpoint and blocks the door so Charlie, Nora and Aaron can't follow. However they do break free and Charlie kills Wheatley but not before being grazed by a bullet and smacking her head on the concrete. She has a dream where her father is still alive and she is safe back at their home but reluctantly leaves after hearing Miles and says her goodbyes to him. The group then prepares to leave the tunnels having finally made it in to Philadelphia.
Yeah don't take cover Charlie, I'm sure the guy with the gun won't shot back |
The episode ends with Monroe bringing in Jaffe to look at Rachael's amplifier and Jaffe examines it and says that it is actually a time bomb. Monroe then says that since Jaffe has decided to cooperate Rachael and Danny will no longer be needed; so Rachael, in desperation, stabs and kills Jaffe so that Monroe will still need her.
I really wished you killed the b***h straight away Monroe |
Well this episode was certainly different and that was owing to the fact that there wasn't a single Flashback instead we got hallucinations for most of the major characters. While I really like the Flashbacks I must admit that this was a really nice touch and it still provided some more character insight that the Flashbacks usually provide.
Almost a shame, bet Wheatley could a gotten a big promotion |
The best ones where Mile's hallucination and Charlie's dream, firstly for Miles we finally get the reason why he left the Republic. I thought it was going to be something big but it turns out he couldn't do it and maybe he still won't be able to when they finally have their confrontation because that is what the series is leading to (since its has been shown that they where like brothers). Also Miles will also have to make his choice of staying with the group and re-joining Monroe since the Hallucination - Monroe revealed that Miles is seriously considering going back to the Republic. Ones more thing I know Miles left because Monroe might have crossed some line but Miles really has to take responsibly since, as shown in the episode three Flashbacks, Miles was the one who planted the seeds of the Republic.
"Guarding this old subway tunnel is the easiest job in the world. No one ever comes here" |
As for Charlie's, even though it was just a dream, I see it as the closure between her and her father that she never manage to get. It was done really well and it is almost like Charlie is finally ready to move on, or a least has to, from her father's death and focus on the mission a head. Plus we get to see Ben again and as I have said before I really like his character and his actor and I'm glad they find ways of keeping him in the show even though he is dead.
Awwww, I'm kind of touched |
Now as for what I didn't like about the episode and you have guessed it; Rachael. I'm sorry but her damn annoying and defiant attitude really gets on my nerves in this episode. I really hate that she killed Jaffe, just mercilessly like that and I don't care if she said she was sorry because I doubt she was. I know she was doing it for Danny but if she really was she could have just cooperated with Monroe from the very beginning and saved herself that last few months of backstabbing. Jaffe was only cooperating with Monroe because Rachael gave her no choice, he was doing it for his daughter but did Rachael care? Hell no! You see I just really don't know what they want to do with her character; is she one of the good guys? No because she kills and betrays everyone, even innocents who do not deserve it, all the writers are doing to her character, in my opinion, is turning her into this extremely unlikable person who has no redeemable traits whatsoever. I truly hate her and her actress, this show would have been pure perfect if it was not for her.
Even if Tom is only in the episode for a few minutes it is still worth it! |
As for everything else it made for a great episode; Wheatley's reveal of being a spy and killing the Rebels was another highlight of the episode and Aaron dealing with the hallucination of his wife was interesting to see. Also I liked the group's journey through the subway tunnel with the lack of air because you can really see their desperation and you almost kind of thing one of them might not have made it. Overall a unique episode that made from something different with Miles, Charlie and Aaron struggling with their inner demons but Rachael just really let it down in every scene she was in and I was kind of hoping that Jaffe would have been around for a lot longer.
SCORE: 7/10
Highlights: Miles's hallucination about Monroe
Charlie's hallucination about her dad
The whole desperation of them being in that tunnel
Let - Downs: Rachael
The murder of Jaffe
The great screenshots of the episodes where provided by the great site Screencapped. You can look for yourself from the link below;
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