The war continues.
The episode begins with Danny's funeral and the rest of the characters look on however the good thing in moment of grief is that no more helicopters have come. At night Commander Ramsey thinks that it is best to regroup at another base and continue the fight like they have so far but Miles disagrees because he thinks will never win like that. Miles agrees to help the Rebels but believes he needs more seasoned men to help such as Jim Hudson (Malik Yoba) who was part of Miles's assassination plot against Monroe, Miles and Nora leave soon after to find him.
So.....why is it Aaron and Miles doing the digging? |
Things between Rachael and Charlie are still tense because Charlie continues to fight with the Rebels even though Rachael does not want her to put herself in danger. Meanwhile Aaron is sorting through his stuff in his backpack and removes the two pendants he has but as he leaves the room the turn on. This is finally explained back in Philadelphia when Randall tells Monroe that he can remotely activate them and track where they are. Monroe is still suspicious of him but Randall promises him more pendants and scientists and more power than he can dream of.
Randall vs. Monroe, in a battle of wits |
Miles and Nora manage to find out that Jim is living in a small town of Culpeper and they set off to find him though Nora is worried that the recent deaths and failures are affecting Miles. However they are followed by a Rebel traitor who tells them where they are heading to a Militia Captain named Deckert who then orders the Rebel killed. Back at the Rebel base Charlie and the Rebels she was with have returned from the raid and Rachael is worried when she notices her covered in blood.
Just kill her now Charlie, trust me you are better off without her |
At Culpeper Miles and Nora find Jim who is now married to a woman named Sophie and is working as a librarian to forget about is past life with the Militia. Miles tries to convince Jim to help train the Rebels and fight but Jim is still angry that Miles never killed Monroe after all the planning they made and forces them to leave at gunpoint. At the Rebel base Rachael noticed wounds on Charlie's body and wants her to stop but Charlie insists she has no right to tell her what to do and that she wasn't there for her and Danny, Rachael then slaps her (B***h). Before anything else can be said however everyone notices at the bases hears the sound of approaching vehicles and they looks to see several Humvees coming towards them. Miles and Nora are leaving Culpeper but on the road the notice Deckert leading a Militia kill squad to the town, Miles then rushes on ahead and warns Jim who is furious that he may have to kill again.
All librarians are packing these days |
The Rebels are evacuating their base and Charlie finds Rachael removing flash drives from the pendants and destroying them in a bowl of acid. Just then however Randall leads a team of Militia soldiers in the base, blocking of the exits for Charlie, Rachael and Aaron. Randall has a Flashback six years before The Blackout and we find out that he and his wife have just received news that their son Edward Flynn was killed in the line of duty. Rachael confesses that she and Ben worked for Randall at the Department of Defence and that they where working on a weapon before the power went out. Randall then uses a megaphone to say that he doesn't care that the pendants are destroyed but wants to take Rachael away.
Super epic entrance! |
At Independence Hall Tom voices his concern that he does not trust Randall and Monroe agrees but says that everything is under control however Tom feels that he is being replaced. At the Rebel base several fire fights break out and Rachael is briefly captured and we have another Flashback a month before The Blackout where she and Ben are concerned about deploying the weapon in Peshawar but Randall doesn't care. Charlie and Aaron manage to free Rachael and they flee to the rendezvous point where the Rebels where going.
Watch out for crossbows guys |
Back at Culpeper Jim, Miles and Nora manage to kill all the Militia but Jim's wife sees and is disturbed by what she saw. Jim says that Miles has ruined his life again but still decides to go with him and fight Monroe. They reunite with Charlie and the Rebels and Charlie apologies to Rachael for the stuff she said earlier. Later that night Aaron insists to Rachael that she tells him everything that she knows and she starts by telling him that there is a place called The Tower. The episode ends in a Flashback and Randall is sitting at the head of a table surrounded by others and in looking at a command team that is stationed at The Tower via video link on the night of The Blackout. Everyone looks uncertain and The Tower team asks if he wants to deploy the weapon and Randall, after looking down at his son's dog tags, orders the team to deploy.
Now time for the evil laugh |
We are getting some answers now!
While obviously winding down from all of the man vs. helicopter action we had last episode, this one nonetheless delivers an awesome episode. Randall is now more involved in the plot than ever and I was surprised that we got a lot of back story information on him all ready. Looks like he really did turn Ben's project in to a weapon after all and he wanted it shutdown certain part of the Middle East for the American soldiers. Obviously the weapon must have been faulty after all because it must have breached it's containment field because it infected the entire world. However unlike Rachael I feel sorry for Randall because even if he did give the order to destroy the world, he did lose his son who was a soldier he just wanted to end the fighting.
"Time to lose your head" |
Now as for Rachael she was a total b***h in this episode and really for slapping Charlie, Charlie was right she has no right whatsoever to act like a mother now and I hate that she tries to. Again she tries to make everything all about her in this episode and I can't see why Randall wants her because of how annoying it was fore Monroe. Also I don't get why the writers are making her out to be this extremely intelligent woman, she just doesn't come across has one only extremely arrogant and stupid.
"I just love my booze" |
One other thing I didn't like about this episode was that the pendants where destroyed so easily, after ten episodes of them being so powerful and important two of them are just gone like that. Again another thing why I don't like Rachael she just dumped them in acid before discussing with anyone else, didn't wait to talk it over, didn't even answer Aaron's question about the flash drives. I know Randall was tracking them but they could have been a major advantage to the Rebels, they could have powered up their own helicopters or tanks for some pretty intense action but thanks to Rachael that isn't happening.
WTF! |
Also from what I get with the small screen time with Tom is that he is not pleased with Randall being here at all. I am sure this is going to create some conflict between the two characters and maybe Tom might even start his take over of the Republic that was hinted at a while ago. Speaking about conflict we also get the inclusion of a new character, Jim Hudson, and I am really liking his character and I hope he takes an active part with the Rebels but he really doesn't seem to be on the best of terms with Miles at the end of the episode so we will see what happens there.
"All hail the Militia!" |
Lastly the action sequences where as good as ever, its always great seeing sword fighting in Revolution and we got a lot of that in Culpeper. Also we might get even more now since Jim seems to be just as good with a blade as Miles and Monroe. Charlie also stood out a lot as well with taking down her fair share of Militia at the Rebel base; I don't enough crossbow as much as swords it was still great.
A waste, a damn waste |
Overall this is a solid episode like the last one with some great action at the Rebel base and Culpeper and it was interesting that Randall got his own Flashbacks. Only real let downs was of course Rachael's entire attitude and that the Rebels won't be fighting with their own power thanks to two pendants being destroyed. Also I hope we find out more about this Tower soon because, from what the Flashback at the end implied, the source of The Blackout started there.
SCORE: 8/10
Highlights: Action at the Rebel base and Culpeper
Introduction of Jim Hudson
Randall Flashbacks
Let - Downs: Rachael
Pendants being destroyed
The great screenshots of the episodes where provided by the great site Screencapped. You can look for yourself from the link below;
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