Thought I'd review the Flash episodes after they premiere in the UK because I thought maybe I should review at least one series that is currently airing. Would have done this for The Strain but I don't have any screenshots for that just yet. Like Revolution this is a SPOILER filled review but unlike Revolution I won't take too long with the episode synopsis.
The episode begins with the 11 year old Barry Allen witnessing his mother's death within a strange vortex of yellow and purple light and ending up blocks away form his house. In the present day the adult Barry (Grant Gustin) as a forensic investigator in Central city and is investigating a bank robbery and homicide committed by Clyde Mardon (Chad Rook). We then spend some time with Barry learn that he grew up with Iris West (Candice Patton) and raised by her father detective Joe West (Jesse L. Martin) and that he is looking forward to the activating of the particle accelerator at S.T.A.R. labs run by Dr. Harrison Wells (Tom Cavanagh). However later that night the particle accelerator goes out of control, explodes while releasing an unknown form of energy and striking Barry with a bolt of lightning.
"Something tells me I should just stay right here" |
Fast forward nine months later and Barry awakens from his coma at the remains of S.T.A.R labs in the care of Dr. Wells, who is now in a wheelchair and his assistants Francisco "Cisco" Ramon (Carlos Valdes) and Dr. Caitlin Snow (Danielle Panabaker). Wells wants to keep examining Barry because of the effects the particle accelerator had on his body but Barry decides to leave. He soon reunites with Iris and her father but discovers he can move at incredibly fast speeds and then goes back to Wells to test his new power, he even remembers to the time of his mother's murder that there was someone in that yellow light. Meanwhile a bank is being robbed by Mardon, who was supposedly killed in a plane crash when the particle accelerator exploded and uses his new found powers as Weather Wizard to control the weather.
Perfect cover to rob a bank! |
Later while Barry and Iris are walking they are nearly run over by Weather Wizard who is escaping from the police in a car. Barry tries to stop him but Weather Wizard creates a whole lot of mist to escape from him, later Barry tires to convince detective West of what he saw but West refuses to believe him. Barry then goes to S.T.A.R labs and finds out they are aware that there are others out there affected by the particle accelerator like him and are calling them "meta - humans". Dr. Wells also refuses to allow Barry to go after Weather Wizard because he cannot afford to lose him because of what his powers can do for science, Barry angrily leaves. He then run 60 miles to Starling City and meets up with Oliver Queen AKA The Arrow (Stephen Amell) who manages to convince him that he can be a hero and protect everyone with his powers.
Cameo Time! |
Returning to Central City Barry convinces Cisco and Caitlin to help him fight Weather Wizard and they give him an altered, red fire - fighter suit that can with stand the heat from fast movement. Else where West and his partner, and Iris boyfriend, Eddie Thawne (Rick Cosnett) find Weather Wizard at an old barn and try to arrest him however Weather Wizard as gone mad with powers and creates a hurricane. Barry arrives in time to save West and Eddie and even stops Weather Wizard's hurricane who is then shot dead by West. West apologizes to Barry but makes him promise not to tell Iris about his powers. Later Barry sees his father in prison and promises to find the real person who was responsible for his mother's murder. The episode ends with Dr. Wells entering and secret room, standing up and reading a newspaper in a hologram that is seemingly from the future. It is from the year 2024 and it says that The Flash has gone missing in a crisis.
Glad they keep the costume so close to the comic one |
I was really looking forward to The Flash series ever since I saw the two episodes Barry Allen was in, in The Arrow and I was not disappointed here. I think it must have be really easy to prepare for this show because of how they set up for it in Arrow, like the constant TV protests outside S.T.A.R labs. Marvel may be ruling the cinematic universe but DC sure has two strong TV series that can definitely stand up to Marvel.
The Flash may have the same feel as Arrow because it exists in the same universe but it defiantly has a more comic booky feel to it. This is probably due to the presence of "meta humans"; Arrow has been really grounded with it's storyline and villains but I am glad that is not the case here or else the shows would have been too similar. Plus despite the fact that there are people with powers that can kill lots of people the show seems to have a more light hearted feel as well; I really like Arrow but the show has an overall pretty dark tone while The Flash already feels like it is going to be more fun.
I know who you are! |
The story for this episode was great and was a great set up for the world of The Flash and what they want to do with it. I like how we are probably going to get a new villain with a different power each week, a new obstacle The Flash will have to face. I think that, for the beginning of the series at least, it is going to be episodic where The Flash will just face a villain each episode and we won't touch much on a big overarching story until mid season. This is a good way to go however; lets first just get used to The Flash and build up these characters.
Guy who has never been fast in his life turns into The Flash, I get the irony |
As for the leading character I think Grant Gustin was just a perfect choice for Barry Allen, ever since I saw him in Arrow he is just really likeable. He delivers a great performance in struggling with how to be a hero and he does come off as a lot more optimistic than Oliver and defiantly less brooding. We also have a lot of supporting cast from the people of S.T.A.R labs to Barry's friends before he got his powers. Won't go into them too much because this was more of a Barry - centric episode but I like them all even if they do all fill generic roles you see in a lot of other shows. A stand out for me was Dr. Wells because of the ending of course and how he obviously is going be a major factor in future events.
Ally or Villain? |
The action was all really good however I admit there wasn't much of it because its not like there was a big showdown between The Flash and Weather Wizard at the end but that's alright because like most Pilots this is more of a setup for characters and events. The effects of the powers used in this was great; it really feels like The Flash is moving really fast and as I mentioned above glad they kept his costume so close to the comics (lets see more costumes for villains soon!).
Yep this is pretty damn awesome |
As for what could have been better I think the Weather Wizard could have had more depth to him, in the end I honestly didn't care much for him and he just felt like cannon fodder for The Flash's first foe. I hope that future villains are a lot more fleshed out in future episodes and that there is a reason for their powers e.g. Barry Allen was always slow so now ironically he is the fastest man alive. Also I think the episode was really fasted paced, a lot more than it should have been like his training for example. Even though it worked out well in the end I wouldn't have minded Barry being The Flash until the second episode, drawing out the whole understanding of his powers a bit. However this isn't anything big because as I said it worked out in the end anyway.
Overall this was an exciting and great first episode to The Flash series and I can it being around for years and years just like Arrow. I did spot a lot of references to the comics while watching but I won't mention them because that will be too much SPOILERS.
SCORE: 8/10
Highlight: Grant Gustin as Barry Allen
Story and characters (worried it would be too similar to Arrow but I was wrong)
Great affects for the powers
Let - Downs: A tad too fast paced
Didn't care much for the villain
The great screenshots of the episodes where provided by the great site Screencapped. You can look for yourself from the link below;
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