Review for episode six is here.
The episode opens up with the group stealing a Militia wagon and racing off through the woods as fast as they can; Nora's wound from the previous episode is infected and Miles says he knows someone who might help. Aaron tries to reassure Charlie but she, most likely still angry with Maggie's death and losing Danny, vents her frustration out on Aaron. Aaron then has a Flashback to the day of The Blackout where he and his wife Priscilla Pittman (Maureen Sebastian) are celebrating their anniversary in their limo when the power goes out and a truck crashes into them.
Say goodbye to your fabulous lifestyle Aaron |
In Philadelphia Tom hands Danny over to Monroe who greets him and says that he knew his mother, Danny is curious about this but Monroe orders him taken away. Monroe then promotes Tom to Major, asking him to head up Intelligence and Interrogation, Tom is pleased with this because he can now work closer to home and his family. Back with the group they stop outside of a mansion surrounded by burnt poppy fields and Aaron is annoyed that they are seeking the help of a drug dealer. They are let through to the mansion where a man named Drexel angrily pulls out his gun and orders them on their knees, he points the gun at Miles's head and pulls the trigger - except it was empty and he was playing a joke!
You have one sick sense of humour Drexel |
Drexel let's his doctor see to Nora and she is given a blood transfusion by Miles and Aaron has another Flashback two months after The Blackout and he and his wife are struggling. Priscilla is ill but luckily a man named Sean comes across them and treats her with some medicine. He explains that some lakes have become contaminated because the sewer pumps stopped working and says Aaron should be more careful. We then see Charlie having a bath but, haunted by her father's and Maggie's death and her recent failure, gets up to rip up her postcards of Pre - Blackout cities.
We get some side - boob action here! |
In Philadelphia, Monroe is pleased with Jason with his recent work and report and shows him the drawing of the pedant and asks if the group has it, Jason answers that Aaron has it. Monroe says to Tom that Strausser should retrieve the pendant which Jason is not happy with because Strausser doesn't leave survivors but Monroe doesn't care about that. Back in the group they are getting ready to leave because Miles does not trust Drexel enough for them to stay any longer but Drexel then bursts into the room. It turns out he worked closely with Miles when he was with the Militia but when Miles left anyone who was associated with him lost a lot of reputation and now he wants payback. He wants to get rid of the head of the Irish O'Halloran family that have been burning his poppy fields and wants Charlie to do kill him because they will least suspect her. Miles volunteers to do it but Drexel says he will kill them all if Charlie doesn't go, she agrees.
"My beautiful poppies, all ruined!" |
Charlie is dressed in an slinky dress and given a hair pin that contains a needle to stab O'Halloran with; she is to pose as one of Drexel's girl who is sick of been roughed up, Drexel even smacks her for good measure. Aaron then has another Flashback and it is eight months after The Blackout and Aaron and Priscilla have joined up with other survivors but their camp is currently being raided. Priscilla is captured and Aaron his beaten up when he tries to rescue her but Sean comes back for them, fights off the bandits and even breaks the neck of one of them.
I guess hand to hand combat isn't really your thing Aaron |
When Charlie leaves, Drexel gives Miles a pouch full of gold and says he never expected her to come back alive, Aaron then begs Miles to rescue Charlie and leave him with Nora. Charlie then makes it to the O'Halloran mansion and it turns out they are all a family of ex - cops and their head, Bill, is burning Drexel's poppy fields because his daughter overdosed on the drugs produced from them a while ago. Charlie manages to knock him out cold and begs forgiveness when she is just about to stab him however Miles manages to stop her.
Just in the nick of time Miles |
Back at Drexel's place Aaron, and a now awake Nora, are brought in to the yard where Drexel gives them each a gun and says they will have to shoot each other but he will let the one who shoots the other first go. Aaron has another Flashback shortly after the raid on their last camp and he is unable to start a fire and he confides to Priscilla that he cannot do anything to protect her now however Priscilla doesn't mind any of that. In the present day Aaron says to Nora that she should shoot him because he can't protect anyone but when she refuses Aaron shoots himself. A satisfied Drexel steps forward but is then shot dead by Aaron who managed to shoot himself in the flask he keeps in his breast pocket, Drexel's guards then just let them go.
"Did I fire six shots or only was one" |
The groups reunites outside of Drexel's mansion and Miles decides they should move on. Aaron has another Flashback to the morning after his conversation with Priscilla and he has decided to leave her, leaving a note saying that she is better off without him. The episode ends in Philadelphia where Rachael is reunited with Danny after twelve years.
"Sorry for almost getting you all lets just forget it ever happened" |
I guess they decided to do another character centred episode and this time they gave Aaron the spotlight.
Aaron has always been one of my favourite characters so I am glad we now get an insight in to his past just like Maggie and Tom did in the last two episodes. It is quite sad seeing how someone who had the money and the power to do anything before lose everything in a single day. I have read other reviews for this episode and many people have criticised Aaron for abandoning his wife but I sympathise with him a bit more. The world of Revolution may have somewhat stabilized now fifteen years later but from the Flashbacks we see in this episode (and the ones with Miles, Monroe and Tom) it must have been a small hell at first. Maybe Aaron did make a stupid and selfish move but at the time survival was a lot more harder so he did what he thought was best for his wife, he didn't care about his own life.
I wonder how long Monroe can just make him stand there? |
Drexel turned out to be a completely lunatic and a great small antagonist for this episode, he was what I hoped Ray who controlled the dogs was like; completely crazy with no need to create sympathy for his character. So overall I liked the events what happened at his mansion and the crazy shoot out game he made Aaron and Nora play at the end, even though I didn't expect they would kill off another main character already.
"That's right kid; there no one crazier than me" |
One think in the episode that I was not to sure there was a point to was Charlie trying to kill Bill O'Halloran. Don't get me wrong I really like the surprise that they where ex cops all trying to do the right thing (I thought they where rival drugs dealers at first!) and it showed that there is good people in this world. However I just didn't see the point in the end with making up that elaborate plan with Charlie when Miles managed to sneak in, most being completely off screen, in what seemed like no time at all. Not to spoil anything but this isn't the first time this will happen; where a big chunk of the episode is given over to something but Miles ends up doing it easily. I have to mark the episode down when it does this because even though it shows how awesome Miles is, the whole plan before then could have been screen time for something else.
Now that is one kick ass chair! |
Overall I am glad that one of my favourite character gets his own episode and Flashbacks even though it was not as strong as Tom's was. Also just like Tom's episode it mostly stuck with the group because it barely jumped to any other storylines. I'm guessing that now that Danny is in Philadelphia those are the only two main plots that will jump back and forth to each other, and that is actually a good thing for me because now some characters will get more screen time like Monroe. It also looks like we will see more of Strausser soon because Monroe has sent him after the group, can't wait to see what that's going to be like.
SCORE: 7/10
Highlights: Aaron centred episode and past revealed
Drexel as the villain for the episode
Drexel's sick game at the end
Let - Downs: Wasn't as strong or exciting as Tom's was
Charlie's mission was pointless in the end because Miles could have done it
The great screenshots of the episodes where provided by the great site Screencapped. You can look for yourself from the link below;
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