Thursday 26 November 2015

The Flash Season Two: Gorilla Warfare

As Barry deals with the aftermath of fighting Zoom, Gorilla Grodd returns to Central City with a dangerous plan in mind.
Kneel before Grodd!! I really enjoyed having Grodd back on the Flash, especially since he has returned so early this season. Like back in Season One the guys behind the effects just deserve a lot of praise for how real they made Grodd on a TV show, he doesn't look fake at all. Overall Grodd may have served as just a distraction from Zoom but I still loved his return and his storyline this episode. It was awesome seeing him use his mind control powers once again, his voice fits him so well and I liked that he was shown with more sympathy this time. This is because unlike the comics this Grodd is still young and really is just alone in the world and wants to be with more like him; so the idea to send him to a gorilla colony on Earth 2 (after a cool fight) was the next best thing. However I think this wasn't such a smart idea for Team Flash because in the comics Grodd is the leader of a whole country of apes that war with humans so I'm guessing this Grodd will take it over and wreck havoc again soon. Two other characters stood out in this storyline and the first being Caitlin because I just really like her connection with Grodd and that she wanted to help him more than anything else. I also liked the way she risked herself in the end to get Grodd into the transport circle because I think I have said before that while Caitlin is a good character for Season One she is mostly felt she is mostly there for the sake of it. The other standout was Wells and again so much praise goes to Tom Cavanagh because the guy is the best actor on the Flash because of how in this episode he had to act like his Earth 1 counterpart even though he isn't him, get it? I mean the way he posed as the Reverse Flash with Grodd he was so good that I think Caitlin and Cisco thought he double crossed them by the look on their faces. Also it was great to see the Reverse Flash costume once again and hear the vibrating music that usually accompanies it and it was cool at the end that Barry wants to duplicate the ring technology so hopefully soon he'll get his own like in the comics.    
As for everything else a real let down was Barry's subplot because after the shocking "I can't feel my legs" reveal last episode they decided to completely skip that! I know he has super healing but that was a real disappointment because I didn't like Barry's doubts holding him back dilemma that much after that. I know Barry suffered a big defeat from Zoom but I just didn't buy that he couldn't run because of it since in end I knew all he had to do was have faith in himself again; it was a typical outcome for it but trying to regain his legs again because they couldn't heal for some reason, now that would have been more different and interesting. However the good thing about this subplot was the return on Henry because it is nice to know they aren't just going to leave him out of the show now that he is free from jail. What was really good about it was the speech that Henry gave to Barry when comparing Barry's predicament to his arrest; now that was a really great emotional scene, really nicely done. Now as for the other let down of the episode I am just getting really annoyed now that Patty is being left in the dark from Barry and Joe. I am just not enjoying their excuses now and I feel that the episodes just waste time with the effort they are making to keeping the truth from her. I know she kind of have to earn the right to be on Team Flash but I thought the people behind Arrow and Flash said they don't care that all the main cast from both shows know the identities of the heroes anymore so why is it taking so long for Patty? Finally while I still am not bothered by the relationship between Cisco and Kendra, because Hawkman is coming soon, it was a least some light hearted moments for Cisco and it was cool seeing flashes of Kendra as Hawkgirl.     
Overall a great return for Grodd, though not as good as last episode it was still a nice one to have just before the big crossover ones between the Arrow and Flash.
SCORE: 7/10
Highlights: GRODD!
                   Caitlin and Wells where the biggest standouts
                   Henry was really great in this as well
Let - Downs: Barry's subplot was a disappointment
                      Getting annoyed now with Patty constantly in the dark 
Sorry for lack of screenshots but Screencapped has yet to upload this episode.

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