"Why our are heat vision both blue? I mean Superman's is red" |
Kara must deal with the aftermath from National City and it's media now that her alter - ego Supergirl is getting more attention meanwhile the DEO discovers new Fort Rozz escapee Hellgrammite (Justice Leak), an insect - like alien who can take human form.
You know what is really good about Supergirl is just how fun it is to watch like The Flash, it has a similar feel and humour to it (Arrow is fun to watch but of course has a darker tone). Again I praise the casting of Benoist to the role because now I can't picture anyone else playing Supergirl, she brings a lot of life to the character for live action. This episode focused on how inexperienced Supergirl still is at being a hero which I liked because she shouldn't be an expert at her job straight away so we see her mess up a few times before realizing she needs to refine her skills. This came from a pep talk from Cat in a really great scene where she mentions her past and how you have to start at the bottom in any career. You know I really liking Cat as a character because when I say her in the trailers I thought she would be this really annoying boss but no I am really enjoying the scenes she is in and in her own way she is one of the most helpful to Supergirl. I also liked that she dropped a lot of Easter Eggs by mentioning the Daily Planet, Lois Lane and Clark Kent/Superman; we already know this show exists in the same universe as Superman but I like it when the characters remind each other. Speaking of Superman I like that he influenced Kara and Jimmy this episode because they both are dealing with the fact they are living in his shadow but they want to be their own person. Made for some great development of their characters especially for Jimmy because this does portray him as more of a serious character then what he usually is in the comics.
A great example of the effects used in this show |
As for everything else I admit the villain of the week, Hellgrammite, was really underused and was really just their to introduce Astra. It is a shame because the effects used for him where really cool and he had that awesome scene where he attacked the DEO transports but all in all we barely knew anything about him and the way he was taken out by Alex was lacklustre. Speaking of Alex I really don't care much for her or the DEO (expect for Henshaw but get to him in a bit), I just don't find their scenes where they are investigating Hellgrammite that relevant or entertaining and Alex is now like the Caitlin Snow of Supergirl; always seem to be the one to hold the hero back. On to Astra her fight scene with Supergirl was so freaking awesome which I again praise the effects in the fight scenes, the way they punch each other through walls, fly and use heat vision is so great to watch. I want to know more about her past and plans though because right now she isn't much different than a typical villain but I hope they will change that soon. As for Henshaw he is the only good part of the DEO scenes so far because I like that he is the only one to speak his mind to Sueprgirl without it being awkward like Alex does and he is such a badass like when he took on Astra with a Kryptonite blade. However the most significant part is when his eyes glowed red and I really hope this means he really becomes Cyborg Superman and not just using the name because I am a massive fan of that villain! Finally I liked we got a small intro to Maxwell Lord (Peter Facinell) because he is one of my fav DC villains and I hope he has his powers eventually.
Please let him be Cyborg Superman!!! |
Overall Supergirl defiantly proves it can stay stronger after the first episode (because more budget is put in them) and makes me really look forward to the next episode. Oh yeah and I thought I'd mention that I glad that Kara was old enough to remember Krypton because maybe we'll get some more Flashback scenes like we did in this episode.
SCORE: 8/10
Highlights: Kara and Jimmy's character struggles
Cat continues to be one of the strongest characters
Great fight scene with Astra
Henshaw is the best thing about the DEO
Let - Downs: Hellgrammite was disappointing
Don't care much for Alex and the DEO
The great screenshots of these episodes where provided by the great site Screencapped. You can look for yourself from the link below;
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