Monday, 5 October 2015

Top 10 Flash Season One Episodes

I have done Arrow, now it's time for The Flash! SPOILERS

10. The Sound and the Fury

The first episode on my list introduces us Hartley Rathaway AKA Piped Piper and with the use of Flashbacks this character was woven perfectly into the storyline. I like villains with cool tech and the Piped Piper's sound based weapons was an interesting match for the Flash. It was also great how he tricked everyone by allowing himself to be caught however a let down is that his defeat was anti - climatic and felt rushed.

9. All Star Team Up

Ray Palmer is one of my favourite characters in the Arrow series so I really liked how he crossed over in to the Flash show. It is always great to see him in action in his ATOM suit and he and Felicity worked great with Team Flash, especially the funny scenes Ray has with Cisco. I also liked Emily Kinney who was great as the villain (liked her better in this than all her time in the Walking Dead) but just like Piped Piper I think her defeat could have been more dramatic. Plus this was also the episode where everyone agrees that Wells is the Reverse Flash which made the focus of the episodes afterwards trying to capture him.

8. Revenge of the Rogues

Captain Cold is one of my favourite Flash villains so it's always great to see more of him in the series and that this is the episode where he starts to build his Rouge Gallery. We also get the debut of Heatwave and it's entertaining see him work with Cold and we also get an epic showdown at the end with the two of them vs. the Flash.

7. Out of Time

I really liked this episode because it was a continuation of the Weather Wizard plot from the first episode; I knew this episode was coming (because from the comics I knew it was Mark not Clyde who was the real Weather Wizard) and it didn't disappoint! Mark was quite the match for the speedster and because of him we got to experience time travel for the first time. Of course the highlight of this episode was the biggest WTF moment for me in TV that year; Wells revealing himself to be Eobard Thawne AKA the Reverse Flash who is my favourite DC villain.

6. Rogue Air

Who doesn't like a whole bunch of Meta Humans fight the Flash at the same time? This episode was the perfect one for bringing back some Meta Humans we haven't seen in a while like The Mist who was captured early in the season. It was also good to see Cold get the drop on the Flash but I really didn't like that he had to kill Deathbolt; he was an awesome villain, Doug Jones was great as him and I really hope another version of him from Earth 2 arrives next season. Also if that wasn't enough the end of this episode had an awesome showdown between the Reserve Flash vs. the Flash, Arrow and Firestorm!

5. The Man in the Yellow Suit

I remember when I first watched this I enjoyed it so much I watched it again on catch up only a few hours later. This was the first episode that introduced us to the Reverse Flash in the present (not as a blur in Flashbacks) and he had two awesome fights with Barry. I mean the Reverse Flash was so cool with his deep voice and vibrating so we can't see him properly, the confrontation he had with Joe and the police was intense and the reveal of him being Wells was such a twist.

4. Fast Enough

Such a great finale for an epic season and one that focused more on the emotional scenes than action yet worked so well. Since they had the epic fight last episode this one focused more on Barry's decision to change the past and watching him struggling with the choice and then deciding to not save his mother so his present life won't be changed was such a great watch. Then if that much sad scenes wasn't enough they gave us Eddie sacrificing himself so Eobard will be erased from existence! Now I am positive either Tom Cavanagh or Matt Letscher's version of Eobard will reappear sometime in the futues because it's freaking Eobard Thawne, the Flash's greatest enemy who has done a lot of crazy stuff with the time stream in the comics. The only let down of this finale was that Caitlin and Ronnie's wedding just felt forced in and should have been saved for Season Two.

3. Flash vs. Arrow

The first crossover episode was such a huge success thanks to the great interactions between the cast of Team Flash and Team Arrow. The just looked so comfortable working with each other it didn't surprise me that they are going to make a crossover every year now. They also thought of such a smart way for Arrow and Flash to fight one another and it was a great fight. Only two things annoyed me and that was Cisco saying the fight was a draw when clearly Oliver won and Rainbow Raider was defeated off screen.

2. Grodd Lives

You know Grodd could have easily, and I mean easily, been a major disaster in the series. First off there is the fact of having the Flash fight a gorilla with the limited budget TV series have and then there was trying to make him (a gorilla) a serious threat. Well they nailed both of these targets because Grodd looked so awesome on screen and it was so damn creepy in those sewers when they where hunting Grodd. They went with a successful Jaws approach where you don't see much of the creature but the atmosphere they created made up for it. Then when Grodd did appear he was so intimidating like when Joe started to lose it or when he caught the Flash's punch and in the end the Flash didn't even win, he just got lucky.

1. Tricksters

So many episodes of the season deserve to have the number one spot but I just had to give it to this one because of Mark Hamill, Mark FREAKING Hamill!! It was so smart to have his portrayal as the Trickster in the 1990 Flash series still kind of counted in this series and we have lots of Easter Eggs showing us it e.g. his old costume and photographs. Loved Mark Hamill's performance on the episode because you can just tell he was having the time of his life and that besides from being a challenge for the Flash to defeat his character ties into the Axel Walker Trickster so we hopefully might see them again. Not only did we have that great plot but awesome Flashbacks showing how Eobard got stuck in the past and how he took Well's identity.

Picking a worst one was hard because I don't think there is a bad episode in the whole season but if I had no choice but to pick one I guess it would be.

Crazy for You

I guess I picked this one because while I liked Peek - A - Boo I think the way The Flash caught her in the end was lacklustre. I mean the rest of the episode was good with Cisco and Piped Piper and the ending with the sewer workers killed by Grodd but I guess Peek - A - Boo's plot wasn't too entertaining overall.

The great screenshots of these episodes where provided by the great site Screencapped. You can look for yourself from the link below;

1 comment:

  1. The Man in the Yellow Suit and Out of Time are the best episodes, this top is shite mate....
