Friday, 2 October 2015

Bleach Review: Don't Chase a Shadow

"Can't believe I'm fighting someone with a gun again"
Shunsui and Lille begin their fight and while Shunsui is using his unique Zanpakuto abilities Lille is proving to be quite the match.

I guess I don't really have much to say about this chapter, I mean it was interesting and the artwork with it's use of shadows was great but all in all it was just one big explanation of powers. It's always great to see Shunsui's Zanpakuto in action because it is so unique with it's ability to turn children's games into reality but he went on such a long rant about his new game and maybe because of the translate errors but didn't get some of it. From what I can tell Shunsui's new ability is based on the Japanese game Darumasan ga Koronda (which is like Americana's Red light, Green light) and Lille was attack a fake doll of Shunsui because he keep his eyes and sense on that. We also get more on an explanation on sensing Reiatsu in the middle of battle which was what Shunsui was taking advantage of. We also then get Shunsui using Kageoni shadow ability which is always awesome to see but Lille still proves quite a match by saying he can even shoot through the shadows. Besides that there is not much else to talk about but I will mention the artwork again because it is great; Kubo does such a great job of making Shunsui laidback in one panel but then so menacing in the next. Also thought I'd mention that it is a shame Shunsui has told the rest of the Soul Reapers to go on a head because I would have really liked to have seen more try to take on Lille, plus there isn't that much Sternritter compared to the Soul Reapers so we can't just keep having these one on one fights.

Shunsui's shadow moves have always been awesome!
Overall the chapter was really long winded but hopefully that means we can just have some fighting next time and maybe Shunsui will release his Bankai soon.

SCORE: 5/10

Highlights: Awesome artwork
                   Lille vs. Shunsui has the makings to be a great fight

Let - Downs: Too much explaining of the new abilities
                      Barely anything really happened

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