Saturday, 24 October 2015

The Strain Season Two: The Battle For Red Hook

After failing to capture Zach, Kelly and Eichorst launch an attack on the safe zone of Red Hook which is protected by Councilwoman Feraldo's forces.

Talk about having one heck of a great showdown where we finally get to see a massive group of Strigoi take on a massive group of Humans and in my opinion it did not disappoint. Before getting into the episode I first got to say that the new opening is so damn cool! It looked like pages right out of the comic book and gave us something really different than just the bloody five second opening we have had so far, props to whoever thought this one up. On to the episode the team up between Kelly and Eichorst continues to be really great and I enjoy their scenes together; like the first one where Kelly opens up to Eichorst about her failure and feelings and Eichorst consoling her (plus fuelling her anger towards Nora), it's almost like she is his protégé. Then there was their plan on bringing an army of Strigoi into Red Hook which gave us one of the best action moments in The Strain so far but I will go into this more in a bit. I want to talk first about Fet, Zach and Nora going to the power station to turn back on the power and it made for a really creepy atmosphere with the darkness and the bodies lying around. Kelly showing up was great as well because she had a great fight with Fet such as the part where she took his gun and then trying to infect him with worms from her wounds. As for Eichorst I admit his showdown with Abraham wasn't as epic as the build up for it was implying but it still made for a good team up between him and Eph.

As for the battle of Red Hook it was just so damn impressive and really created the feeling of hopelessness with the lack of personnel to the power outage. This really was Feraldo's episode to shine because she really took charge and brought all of Red Hook together in this massive clash. I mean she had to deal with a lot form the mayor who only wants her to save the rich who then abandons her and dealing with a quick lack of confidence when seeing the numbers they have to battle. Her Captain of her forces (Frank I think his name was and has been in a few previous eps) was great in this as well like the moral talk he gave her and defending the gates. Feraldo then got the citizens of Red Hook together and we saw some great fighting scenes between them and the Strigoi. I also liked the ending as well at daybreak when the main characters got back together, I have read some people's comments saying it was cheesy but I liked it and gave a sense of hope with all the doom and gloom there have been lately. Finally the only thing I didn't like was the Dutch and Nikki subplot because I just don't freaking care about it! I don't care about their damn arguments and I don't care what Nikki has been up to; I hate her character and she has just been making everything awkward since she reappeared. Plus I was right in thinking this subplot was similar to Barbara's on Gotham because Dutch is now all like "I like Fet but I used to be a lesbian so I'll sleep with my ex". I mean are we supposed to care these two are back together? Well I sure don't it just makes me hate Dutch's character now.

Overall a near perfect episode I just wish that instead of a stupid subplot with Dutch and Nikki we could have had one with Gus or Palmer.

SCORE: 9/10

Highlights: The battle of Red Hook
                   I great episode for Feraldo
                   Kelly and Eichorst
                   The new intro

Let - Downs: The Dutch and Nikki subplot

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