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Straight out of the comic |
Team Flash decides whether or not they can trust Jay Garrick who calms he is the Flash in an alternate reality called Earth 2 and is after an evil speedster called Zoom (Voiced by Tony Todd). Meanwhile Meta - Human Eddie Slick AKA Sand Demon (Kett Turton) appears and new police officer Patty Spivot (Shantel VanSanten) asks Joe if she can join the Meta - Human Task Force.
On to the second episode now which I have been looking forward to because of Jay and this was a great introduction for him. First off the actor did a really good job of portraying this more experienced Flash despite being way younger than his comic book counterpart and he is just really likable and got on well with the rest of the cast. I also really liked the whole explanation of Earth 2 and seeing Zoom was so damn awesome! He had such a great voice (as expected from Tony Todd) and to me he looked like a kind of menacing ghost, hope to see more of him and that small fight we got to see of him and Jay was so cool. Back to Jay Garrick I got to say that what I am disappointed in seeing is him without his powers because I was hoping to see a Flash team up where they have both their speed, plus this is similar to Eobard Thawne from Season One. However I loved the new move of throwing lightning he taught to Barry which really cements his job as the new mentor. The other introduction is Patty and I was really impressed with her as well because she brought a lot of energy in to the role, she fit in instantly with the cast and I liked the chemistry between her and Barry because they do have a relationship in the comics (most recently the New 52) and I think it could do well in live action.
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"I'm back" |
As for everything else Sand Demon was an awesome villain and it was interesting seeing Team Flash struggle with there being two Eddie's because of the multiverse. The final showdown at the end was done so well with Jay going in first to distract Sand Demon (despite lack of powers that was a good team up) and Barry finishing him off with lightning. But of course who could forget the iconic shot of the two Flashes running towards Patty which was an excellent copy of the famous comic cover. Another highlight was the interactions between Cisco and Stein and them working together which was good because they haven't had much before now; Stein did really good explaining the multiverse to those who haven't read the comics. As for Cisco we see him tapping more and more into his new powers but it is quite the twist that he seems to be rejecting them despite his fascination with Meta - Humans. Of course this is explained that he doesn't want them because of Eobard, its menacing to see that he is still causing grief from beyond the grave. Again I think Barry was one of the weakest links in this episodes because while his reluctance to trust anyone is understandable it was just a bit annoying in the beginning and I wanted him to just get over it, especially since it was Jay Garrick. Finally we get the unexpected arrival of Joe's wife and while I'm not sure why she has returned I think it could be something to do with Wally West who is confirmed to appear this season.
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This version of Zoom is so cool! |
Overall Jay, Patty and Zoom really helped make this episode better than the previous one and I am looking forward to seeing a new Harrison Wells in the series.
SCORE: 8/10
Highlights: Jay, Patty and Zoom debut
The two Flashes vs. Sand Demon
Cisco and Stein subplot
The multiverse was explained really well
Let - Downs: Jay with no powers
Barry's attitude in the beginning
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