Friday, 9 October 2015

The Strain Season Two: The Born

More backstory is revealed for Quinlan as he makes contact with Abraham meanwhile Eph still deals with the aftermath in Washington and Fet and Dutch are in for a surprise.
I got to say that with this episode Quinlan is turning into one of my favourite characters because he is such a damn badass! I mean we have got to give The Strain credit for it's really impressive intro with Quinlan as a Roman gladiator; the fighting, the costumes and the awesome setting. We also get some to see his enhanced strength and speed as well as the fact that he can survive in daylight which is because he is a half breed. I didn't expect that but it got me thinking that if he is a half - breed what did that make the commando vampires? He said he trained them but how did they retain their minds in the first place? Moving on we also get to see a second Flashback where it is revealed he has been after the Master for quite some time and gets an awesome confrontation with him alongside Abraham. Sure there was no fighting but the way they where staring each other down and mocking one another was cool but the comment about Quinlan's mother makes me think that his mother was human but is the Master his father? Besides that we also get a cool action sequence where he makes short work of the blind vampire children which was also really gory with the one that was sliced in half!

Unfortunately the other subplots wasn't as good starting with Eph who has seemingly teleported back to NY; I have got to mark it down for that because after all he went through to leave how the hell did he get back so easily? Luckily the rest of his subplot was good because he had a nice reunion with Zach and his determination to kill Palmer should give him a new darker storyline because he had never wanted to kill a human before. Speaking of Palmer he got a lot of screen time and I admit I am warming up to his relationship with Coco; maybe it's because of he said he has been distant from people all his life but now he is finally letting people in. If this subplot does redeem Palmer then fine by me now plus he is one sly dog for managing to romance Coco at the end lol. As for Coco I still think she needs more development because I just want it confirmed is she really who she seems to be or his there more to her? Finally the real let down was the Fet, Dutch and Nikki subplot because I just kept shaking my head; here we go I thought, just like Gotham we have to throw in a lesbian twist the show could have done without. After so much building Fet and Duth's relationship, which I think was done well, they had to throw Nikki into the mix which is just making all the scenes with them awkward to watch. Also Nikki just isn't a likeable character and probably is going to be a useless person I bet, and this is really going to annoy me, she is just going to be arguing with Fet over Dutch and justify their relationship with Dutch herself  trying to get Fet to sympathise with Nikki like she had already because of what she's been through, like abandoning everyone.        

Overall Quinlan was defiantly the biggest highlight of the episode but I am disappointed that they have to bring Nikki back who is just going to be an annoyance and a let down in every episode.

SCORE: 7/10

Highlights: Quinlan!/intro and Flashbacks
                   Palmer's relationship with Coco
                   Eph's new determination to kill Palmer

Let - Downs: We don't see Eph journey back into NY and it seemed too easy
                       Bringing Nikki back  

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