"I've fought a Flash before, you think I can't deal with you?" |
When a killer known as the Trickster (Devon Graye) causes chaos in Central City Barry and Joe must turn to the original Trickster (Mark Hamill) for help who has been imprisoned for 20 years. Meanwhile Iris asks for Eddie's help with her research and in Flashbacks we see how Wells came up with the idea of the particle accelerator.
The Flash continues to be one of the greatest TV shows of all time and that is because it keeps giving us some really awesome episodes like this! Of course the main focus of this episode was Mark Hamill who reprised his role as the Trickster from the original 90s Flash TV show. What is great about this is that they done it as a way that Hamill's time as the Trickster did count it just didn't have the Flash and that was shown with still photos, his old costume, lair and that he kidnapped Barry's dad who used to be the Flash in the 90s. I have also always been a fan of Hamill and he was just great in this; he was like a cross between his old Trickster, Hannibal Lector and he used his Joker voice in there as well which was cool. He proved to be quite the opponent for the police and the Flash with his master breakout plan, his poison one and wrist bomb; his performance and these things really gave the episode a more comic book feel. It also helps that this story with the two Tricksters is really similar to a comic story line however in the comic the original Trickster isn't the father of Axel and continues to hate him as a copycat but these where cool changes for the TV show. As for the young Trickster he was mainly used as a means to an end for Hamill to be involved but he was really cool and did the part well plus his costume was awesome, it was homage to the original yet with a modern take on it. All in all Hamill is defiantly my favourite guest character in the Arrow/Flash universe so far, his really psychotic, creepy and smart performance was great and you can just tell he is having the time of his life being the Trickster again.
Awesome slow motion fight |
Now the other big thing about this was the reveal that Eobard Thawne used some futuristic plastic surgery technology to kill the real Wells and take his face. This was just such a WTF moment because it means that there actually used to be a Wells, he wasn't just some fake identity made up by Thawne. I got to say that this Thawne, who stalked and chose the right person to imitate, who has been waiting for 15 years and been a very convincing good guy is quite change from the psychotic Thawne I know from the comics. This also proves that this timeline has actually already been changed since Thawne created the particle accelerator to create the Flash a lot sooner than intended in his effort to get home. We also got to see him and the Flash fight in Barry's house 15 years ago (which was freaking awesome) however we still don't know how Thawne lost his connection to the Speed Force or what happened to the older Flash but I'm sure that will be revealed soon. Finally since the original Thawne has blond hair and blue eyes I wonder if that is a nod to the comics where that is the look for Barry and Thawne copies his likeness in that as well. As for everything else Barry had some great and emotional moments dealing with is anger at Wells and we also got to see him phase through objects which is another power of the Flash from the comics. Have to say that Thawne really gave himself away in that speech about phasing but I'm guessing since he is so close to his goal he is slipping a bit, so many suspect him now. As for what I didn't like even though Barry revealed his identity to Eddie to get more help against Wells I just think it came completely out of the blue and I don't know if they should have done it now. Then there is Iris and while I don't like her meetings with the Flash I actually feel sorry for her now because still her dad, Barry and now Eddie are keeping the truth from her and just find their excuse wearing thin now, annoying and kind of pointless.
Now that was pretty damn gruesome! |
Overall one of the best episodes in the entire Arrow/Flash universe in my opinion with the best guest character.
SCORE: 9/10
Highlights: The Trickster storyline/Hamill back in the role
More history of Thawne and Wells
Barry dealing with his anger/phase through objects
Let - Down: Eddie learning Barry's secret just came out of nowhere
Still keeping Iris in the dark
The great screenshots of the episodes where provided by the great site Screencapped. You can look for yourself from the link below;
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