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"I can't wait to form my own super team" |
A lot of crazy stuff went on in this episode and I guess I shall talk about the most important one and that is the departure of Roy. Those who have read my previous reviews know that I am a big fan of the Roy character and of his alter ego Arsenal however I felt (and many on the internet agree) that he has taken a back seat for most of this season despite it being the debut of him as Arsenal completely. The only other episode that when he shined was the Wildcat apprentice one where he thought he killed Sara so it was good that he got to play a larger role now. He had some great scenes like when he expressed his gratitude to Oliver, his conversation with Thea and his fights with the prisoners and it is a shame that after all that he now leaves the show. I am sure this isn't the last we see of him but he will probably be in the show now only one or two episodes per season and I am going to miss him because he was a very underused character this season after being developed so well in the previous two. The other main character in the Roy subplot was Quentin and I have to say he is really getting on my nerves now; it was good for one episode but this constant hate from him is damn annoying. It seems his character has gone full circle of hating Arrow, siding with him and now hating him again (and I liked him way better when he was for Arrow) and it is because of this that I think he may be killed off soon. A major character death has been teased and Roy was mostly used as a decoy for it and I think Quentin as a character has run it's course. As for Oliver I did like how frustrated he was with the situation but also learning that his friends can sort it all out by themselves and the Flashbacks where at least good for at least addressing that issue in the past.
As for everything else it was so awesome having a Meta Human on Arrow and we defiantly need more and Deathbolt was just great. Doug Jones has always been a good actor so great casting and I really liked Deathbolt's powers of absorption and releasing that energy in beams and fighting (probably a reference to Superman because of Brandon Roth). What also made this subplot great was that it gave Ray/ATOM the spotlight which is great because he is one of my favourite characters and his suit is so freaking epic! He had a really cool fight with Deathbolt and I liked how it was also a test for him to start being a hero and learning how to fight with his instincts and not just technology. I was disappointed that Arrow didn't fight along side him but that interface system was cool and the reveal that Deathbolt didn't get his powers from the particle accelerator (really funny moment with Cisco then lol) opens a lot of possibilities; was he born with his powers or is there another source? Finally there is the death of Thea by Ra's but I don't believe for a second that she is going to stay dead because since the Lazarus Pit exists I am positive that Oliver will have to accept being the new Head of the Demon to inherit the pit and revive Thea. While all this is some really great material it has reminded me how bad Thea has been throughout this entire show. They have used so much time to develop her character and even after her training she is still the annoy, whinny brat she has always been who does absolutely nothing but talk. It is a shame because they can't kill her off after spending so much effort on her character and that means the important Lazarus revive has to be wasted on her.
Overall a great episode because it's main focus was on Roy and ATOM but Quentin was a real annoyance. Sorry for lack of images but they where yet to be uploaded on Screencapped and I didn't want to wait so I used a image of ATOM from Suicidal Tendencies, luckily he was one of the main focuses of this episode.
SCORE: 8/10
Highlights: Roy focused episode
ATOM vs. Deathbolt
Let - Downs: Quentin either needs to change or get killed off
Obvious that Thea is going to get revived
The great screenshots of the episodes where provided by the great site Screencapped. You can look for yourself from the link below;
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