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"Want to see what's under my hood?" |
I just wanted to make this quick so to save time I will just list some of the good points and bad points of Season One and give an overall score at the end. I admit I am probably going to miss a lot of stuff that I want to mention, especially for the good points.
The Characters: I honestly don't think there is a single character or casting that I dislike in this entire series, everyone from Eph to Nora, Eichhorst to Gus; they have just been freaking awesome. A real standout goes to David Bradley as Abraham; the guy is the oldest character but he is such a badass with his silver sword and everyone turns to him for wisdom.
Doesn't hold back on the violence and gore: Either when it's fight the vampires or slicing them open we enjoy a gore fest! Anything lower than what they shown and I would have been disappointed.
Character Deaths: Maybe not on the same level as Game of Thrones but this series isn't afraid to kill off some of it's characters even though most of them I admit aren't the main cast but are well developed secondary characters.
"The Creatures of the Night" episode: Probably the best episode of the season, it was when most of the main cast where trapped in a gas station surrounded by vampires. We got some great action and tension but what made this episode stand out was that it only focused on this setting and characters and didn't change to any other subplot. It is refreshing when a TV show does this, for example Game of Thrones ninth episode of a season does it because it gives it a chance to focus on one particular event.
The pacing/settings: I liked how we got to see NY slowly descend into chaos because of the outbreak and lack of phones/internet. It was portrayed really well and I liked how messed up the city got shown by the homeless, broken down streets, looting etc.
Some characters where underdeveloped while others weren't compelling enough: I feel that some of the characters deserved a lot more screen time and backstory; for example the Ancients and their commandos where awesome but only served as a teaser for Season two. Then there is Palmer and his head of security Cross, I wanted to know more of the relationship between those two and maybe more of Palmer's history of how here turned to vampires to save his life. Then there where some characters who had too much screen time to develop their stories but they weren't that interesting like Nora and her mother or Eph's wife and the problems with they had and with her boyfriend, I still liked them though.
Some storylines didn't go anywhere or could have been expanded: I think the four survivor's on the plane where going to turn into Masters but instead they just turned into regular vampires. It was great seeing four from different walks of life deal with their symptoms but three of them just die shortly after. For example the wife of one of the survivors killed someone to feed her husband and I thought she would continue to do that for a awhile until she had to be stopped by the group but then she killed herself next episode.
There you have it, just a quick review of the first season because it's Easter Sunday and I'm mostly just relaxing. Only two for the bad list but that is because The Strain is a great TV series and I am looking forward to Season Two. I would have really liked to review each episode of Season One but with everything else I have to review now I just can't fit it in, luckily I think Season Two is airing when Arrow and Flash are on break so plenty of time for that.
SCORE: 8/10
The great screenshots of the episodes where provided by the great site Screencapped. You can look for yourself from the link below;
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