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Which is the real one? |
I just love these crossover episodes, don't you? I mean we should all know at this point but I find it still great to have these little reminders that the Arrow and Flash show is still connected when characters from each of them crossover; all in all I enjoyed the guest appearances of Quentin and Laurel. Firstly Quentin was a lot better in this than when he was on Arrow lately because he wasn't acting like a completely jerk and I liked how he got along with Joe; them talking about their jobs and their daughters, I really hope this affects Quentin and he realizes that he has went too far these past few episodes. Then of course there was Cisco's interaction with Laurel and that photograph of the two of them was just so funny that I laughed out loud and it was so like Cisco. Also this was the debut of the choker that would give Laurel the ability of the Canary Cry from the comics and I am looking forward to seeing this in action. In the comics the Canary Cry is Black Canary's power but having it in the form of technology in the show is the next best thing. What was the most important thing to take from the Starling scenes was that Team Flash has found the body of the real Wells and that is a real game changer because Eobard Thawne cannot hide now, so I'm expecting some big showdowns the next few episodes. This also led Barry, Cisco and Caitlin into the Gideon room in the final scene of the episode (such a cliff hanger to leave off!) and since they have access to the Gideon computer and the newspaper I wonder if they read up on information about the future? but from what other time travel fiction has taught me reading about your future is supposed to be a bad thing.
As for the other plot in this episode the Meta Human Everyman was a really enjoyable villain and handled well. First off I thought I'd say that shape shifting powers has also been a favourite of mine (X Men for example) so since the early episode of Flash I have been waiting for a Meta Human with those powers. It was really entertaining seeing Barry and Eddie trying to track down Everyman and quite funny when Everyman assumed the role of Barry and when they fought each other at the airport. This subplot also gave Eddie some great material too and without Joe he was more involved this time and for a second I really thought he would go to jail! I am also just glad the argument with Iris is finally resolved even if he hasn't told her the complete truth. You know I have read a lot of comments and they are saying that Eddie will probably become a villain or the new Reverse Flash (because he is a Thawne after all) but it is really going to take something big to make him one because right now he is such a close friend of Barry. Besides Eddie, Caitlin had some great moments of dealing with Wells and heck who could blame her because Eobard is such a great actor as a good guy! Plus I really liked the scene where Everyman transformed into a kidnapped girl in Caitlin's and Iris's car; such a good plan lol. Not much else to say expect that I really liked the nod to Green Lantern with Barry running through Coast City, will we see the Green Lantern in the future?
Overall I really didn't have any problems with this episode because it was great I guess the only nit picking thing I can point out is that like the Bug Eyed Bandit the Everyman subplot was just there to drag out the investigation on Wells but again it is still entertaining filler that I really don't mind. However with the ending it looks like the investigation is truly over and things are going to be really different on the show now.
Overall: 9/10
Highlights: Barry and Eddie team up against Everyman
Joe and Cisco's moments with Quentin and Laurel
Caitlin on whether is could trust Wells or not
That ending!!
The great screenshots of the episodes where provided by the great site Screencapped. You can look for yourself from the link below;
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I want one! |
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Everything is about to change now |
Overall: 9/10
Highlights: Barry and Eddie team up against Everyman
Joe and Cisco's moments with Quentin and Laurel
Caitlin on whether is could trust Wells or not
That ending!!
The great screenshots of the episodes where provided by the great site Screencapped. You can look for yourself from the link below;
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