Friday 13 February 2015

Arrow Season Three: Left Behind

"I'm taking over now!"
Team Arrow has to deal with the aftermath of Oliver's death at the hands of Ra's Al Ghul after Malcolm seems to confirm it. Diggle and Roy continue to protect the city in the wake of a new crime lord named Danny "Brick" Brickwell (Vinnie Jones) however Felicity is distraught and refuses to accept Oliver is dead. Meanwhile Ray tests out part of his new ATOM suit and Laurel takes up the mantle of Black Canary.

Like with The Flash I have been so looking forward to the return of Arrow (why do us in the UK have to wait so long!) and just like with The Flash it did not disappoint. This episode largely deals with how Team Arrow are taking Oliver's death and it is actually really great that we get to have more of a focus on them, especially Roy and Diggle, after such Oliver heavy episodes recently. Roy and Diggle proved that they can work really well as a team and we even got to see Diggle wear the Arrow costume once again. They had some great action scenes together such as the beginning with the truck and in the warehouse where they try to save the evidence and Diggle had a great moment when he said he failed Oliver as a bodyguard. However Felicity I admit was a bit of a let down, this is because despite her strong emotional reaction to Oliver's death I just felt she went a bit over board. In such scenes like when she let Brick escape, when she kept telling Roy to stop with the suit or when she quit Team Arrow. I know her and Oliver have gotten really close but I just felt she would have been stronger than this if something happened to Oliver, like she would want to continue his legacy of saving the city.

I admit, Laurel is growing on me now
We also have two strong debuts with the first being Vinnie Jones who was the most perfect choice to play Brick! I have seen him in a lot of films and he always has a lot of charisma and dominating presence and he uses that has this powerful mob boss. Brick is a Meta - Human in the comics (with super hard skin) and even though Arrow does have powers in it now I don't think they will go that route, however I am glad they didn't just abandon it because of how Brick goes right in to the fights and isn't even scared of guns. So in all it might have been one episode so far but I think Vinnie Jones can be one of the most popular characters in the show and I hope he is around for ages. The next debut is Laurel as Black Canary and I think the ending was a really great introduction for her; the way she took out those two thugs. Her costume is a lot better than Sara's in my opinion such as the wig and outfit and this could really change her character for the better after being so weak the last two seasons. I do hope though that she isn't a complete badass straight away and that they show that she is still a rookie; she hasn't had the training Sara has had.

"It's you and me now Dig"
As for everything else Ray continues to be a great character and I enjoyed his testing the ATOM suit and his tense scene with Felicity regarding his wife. Malcolm, though still plays an important role, was just really random this episode with the way he kept popping up everyone now and again; I just hope he and Thea become more relevant to the show again soon. The Flashbacks are getting more better because I really enjoyed Oliver's and Maseo's break in of the lab to steal ALPHA and we got to see Maseo and Tatsu in the present. This is a negative in the show however because I think Oliver was brought back to life too soon, they should have left us hanging for a few more episodes instead of the one right after the fight. I am disappointed Oliver wasn't brought back by the Lazarus Pit but Tatsu AKA Katana does have the ability to bring people back to life in the comics so that's alright and I still really believe Ra's has a Lazarus Pit. 

"Nice shot Maseo, I'm sure I was supposed to bounce off!"
Overall this was a much needed episode because it gave characters like Roy and Diggle more time to shine and Vinnie Jones simply stole the episode.

SCORE: 8/10

Highlights: Strong Diggle, Roy and Ray moments
                   Vinnie Jones and Brick and Laurel and Black Canary
                   Great action from Present and Flashbacks

Let - Downs: Oliver brought back too soon
                      Felicity might have been too much a cry baby
                      Malcolm and Thea need to be more relevant and not so random

The great screenshots of the episodes where provided by the great site Screencapped. You can look for yourself from the link below;

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