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"I am Grodd!" |
I got to tell you I have nothing but praise for the people behind The Flash show because every week they seem to step up their game more and more. Especially more for this episode when it came to adapting probably one of the hardest villains from comics for TV without the help of a massive budget that films get. Grodd just looked so impressive in this, props to the CGI people on this show, and it was probably one of best villain debuts in live action. First off I actually really like this changed backstory for Grodd because not only does it gives him a more tragic element it simplifies it a bit for the show and involves Eobard more with Grodd believing he is his father. They also made Grodd really damn creepy as well; the way he spoke through Eiling, the search for him in the sewers and the fear that was in Joe when being controlled (that there was some damn good acting). We didn't really see Grodd all that much (because of budget constraints) for the first half but they made up for that with the "less is more approach" that is used in Jaws and they used it well here with the whole sewer search that I mentioned above. However when they did get to the action it was so epic, The Flash looked completely outmatched and the way Grodd caught the Speed Punch was a big WTF moment. All I all I was really looking forward to seeing Grodd and I was not disappointed at all and I am sure we will see more of him in Season Two where his powers will be even stronger.
As for everything else it is great seeing Eiling alive again because as I said before Clancy Brown is such a great actor and it looks like he has now formed an uneasy alliance with Barry (wonder if he will help with Eobard?). It was also really cool to see him in that kickass military suit while he was fighting The Flash and I hope we see that again soon. Then there was the scenes with Eddie and Eobard and it is great to see Tom Cavanagh fully embrace the antagonist role when he has been playing a split one for ages. All this taunting of Eddie makes me think they are setting him up to be another incarnation of the Reverse Flash for future seasons which would be cool. Eobard also had some really great lines too such as saying how he is a genius where he is from which makes him far superior in this time and his torture of Eddie by saying how insignificant he really is. There was also the big reveal that he was underneath STAR labs all along and I'm guessing that vial he used at the end was made from Blackout's blood who managed to steal Barry's powers for a while. Finally there was Iris dealing with the lies everyone has been telling her and I really agreed with a lot of what she said though she may have went too far with Barry because it really was all Joe's stupid idea in the first place, Barry shouldn't have any blame in my opinion. I don't know how much help Iris will be to Team Flash but at the very least she is in the know now.
Overall this was such a perfect episode that I really have no complaints with and an epic debut for Grodd! Again I know I am using a pic from an older episode but Screencapped hasn't updated their Flash and Arrow lately.
SCORE: 10/10
Highlights: Everything with Grodd
The scenes with Eobard and Eddie
Iris finally knowing the truth
The great screenshots of the episodes where provided by the great site Screencapped. You can look for yourself from the link below;
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