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"Going to be hard wearing green again after all this awesome black" |
I knew it, I knew that Oliver wasn't turned to the dark side and had his own plan to bring down the League though I did kind of see it coming. It is really cool that Oliver (working with Malcolm!) came up with this big secretive plan, so secretive that they couldn't tell Team Arrow however I wish they didn't reveal it so early. The reason for this is because all of the drama and tension that was built up last episode with Oliver being a villain is gone now because we know it was fake so soon. In my opinion it might have been better to leave the reveal until the end of this episode or the beginning of the finale where it is revealed Oliver managed to cure Team Arrow without their knowledge, obviously they are not going to be killed off just like that. However at the very least Diggle did not just forgive and forget Oliver and is still holding a lot of anger towards him for the events of last episode and I am glad he is. Diggle again had some great material to work with; feeling betrayed by his best friend by the way he punched that criminal or ignored Oliver's explanation, it is going to take some time to rebuild their trust and I will say again Diggle needs a costume! (He could have used one during the chase). Before I move on I want to mention the action sequence in the desert with Team Arrow because that was freaking awesome and probably the biggest fight they have done all season. It was just so cool with Malcolm kicking ass, Laurel showing off her improved skills, Katana slashing away and Felicity having that funny moment with her tablet though it was the only time I liked her this episode. Then of course there was ATOM having an aerial dog fight with that plane and the effects in Arrow just keep getting better and better.
As for everything else I am glad we got to see Katana in full costume and action now however I just feel kind of let down because she has barely been given any character development, we have mostly just seen her as a mother in the Flashbacks. Still the final fight between her and Maseo was done so well; the sword fight was epic and Maseo's death was really sad and I liked how Katana sung to him which mirrored the death of their son. Shame to see Maseo go but I feel that his death was handled perfectly and that his story is complete. As for the Flashbacks they where good but it is a shame we don't get to see General Shrieve as much as we should be he does seem like a good villain with the way he captured Oliver, Maseo and Tatsu. Then there was Thea's visit to Roy and that was alright; mostly just there as a break from the main plot but it gave those two a proper goodbye and Roy has now passed the torch to Thea. As for Nyssa it was kind of funny how she tired to kill Oliver but I kind of think she will be let in on Team Arrow's plan and fight her father with them in the finale. Finally as I mentioned above I didn't like Felicity that much in this which is something I have said lots of times before but I shall explain it now. CW hasn't done a good job with it's women characters in the Arrow/Flash universe; Thea is a whiny brat who gets so much time invested in her yet does not do anything, Laurel was made unlikable with her drinking and drugs (though I admit they have made her way better that I actually really like her now), Iris is supposed to be this reporter but doesn't feel like one, Caitlin just feels like she's just there sometimes for the sake of it and now Felicity is plain annoying. I know they probably wanted to give her character something more to work with than just the light hearted computer expert but this pairing with Oliver has been such a downer for her and she feels that her opinion has to matter for everything.
Overall a great set up for the finale with one of the best action sequences I have seen so far.
SCORE: 7/10
Highlights: Team Arrow vs. the League
Diggle dealing with his anger towards Oliver
Maseo vs. Katana
Let - Downs: Oliver revealed to not be evil was too soon
Flashbacks remind me that General Shrieve could have been more of a major character
The great screenshots of the episodes where provided by the great site Screencapped. You can look for yourself from the link below;
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