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"I'll see you in Season Two" |
Just like Arrow we have now got the finale of The Flash, unlike Arrow however The Flash ended things with one of the biggest cliff-hangers ever! Still this was such a good episode, a truly specular finale, and the main reason for this is the emotional tone with Barry confronting the biggest choice he ever made. Grant Gustin truly brought his a - game this episode; breaking down with the difficult choice of saving his mother and possibly getting a whole family but destroy the life he already made, plus the possibility of a black hole didn't help none. He sought advice from most of the characters but the two significant ones where from Joe and his father (both actors brought their a - game as well) who offered really opposite opinions. We can really see how much of a father Joe has been to Barry as he thinks about Barry's happiness above his everyone else and believes he should save his mother even though both are struggling with the idea that they won't be father and son again. Then there was Barry's father who pressures Barry to leave the past as it is because he won't risk Barry changing from the person he is today. All scenes with those three characters where just perfect; it just hits you right there and makes you really care for what these characters are going through. Of course Barry decided not to save his mother because of his future self who must believe this is the way it's got to be; I guess Barry was still struggling with the idea but it took himself to make up his mind. Still Barry got to at least say goodbye to his mother (after hearing her get stabbed) which again a damn impactful scene!
As for everything else it is finally great to get the reveal that Cisco actually has powers and can see the vibrations in the timeline, this is a first step to him becoming Vibe so looking forward to that. The one let down I got to say was Caitlin and Ronnie's wedding which really just felt shoved in there (plus how the hell could she not know what a black hole was?) but it was really great seeing Stein again who contributed a lot to time travel. However the second biggest standout this episode was Eddie because of the development he went through; with help from Stein he broke free of his depression but decided to sacrifice himself end The Flash's greatest foe. It is a damn shame because I really liked Eddie and he has always been just a really nice guy, always doing the right thing plus maybe he could have ended up with Iris because the newspaper is from a timeline where Barry's mother is alive. I guess I should point out his body did go into the black hole and he did wear a talisman (which the camera put a lot of focus on), so could he return sometime as Cobalt Blue or another version of him appear from the multiverse? I really hope it happens because I just really like Eddie and I don't want this to be the last we see of him. Then we have Eobard who couldn't get home but had a cool fight with Barry and I like his speech at the beginning about how he came up with his plan to finally defeat The Flash. Now I don't think for a single second this is the last of Eobard Thawne because the one I know from the comics always takes steps to prevent this kind of thing, even at one point becoming a living paradox so his fate isn't tied to Barry's anymore.
Now finally I got to mention the references in this and the first one is Rip Hunter who Eobard mentioned. This isn't too much of a surprise since Rip Hunter is in Legends of Tomorrow but still it is great to mention him with time travel and this again makes me hopeful to see his father; Booster Gold! Then we got to see Jay Garrick's helmet (the first Flash) which was really cool however I don't think this means there was a Flash before Barry, I don't think the show is going in that direction, what I think it is a nod to the multiverse from DC comics. What the multiverse means is that in the comics there exists many other universes where the people and events are different from each other. For example there might exist a universe where Barry did decide to save his mother or never became The Flash or there is one where Jay Garrick is the Flash, not Barry. I guess we will have to wait and see and I hope they go in this direction because maybe we could see new villains from the multiverse. Finally there was what Barry saw in the time stream; awesome to see the Flash museum but even better to see Caitlin as Killer Frost. In the comics she more looks like she is made out of ice but I'm am digging this look; her actress has already confirmed she will be Killer Frost so looking forward to that.
Overall a perfect finale for the series and just like Arrow I will upload Best and Worst and what I want from Season Two. Thought I'd say Screencapped is catching up with it's Flash and Arrow screenshots but I didn't want to wait.
SCORE: 9/10
Highlights: Barry struggling with his decision/Joe and his Barry's father scenes
Eddie's sacrifice
Eobard's fight with Barry
That black hole was awesome and set up for season two
Let - Downs: Caitlin and Ronnie's wedding and those two character didn't really do anything
The great screenshots of the episodes where provided by the great site Screencapped. You can look for yourself from the link below;
Overall a perfect finale for the series and just like Arrow I will upload Best and Worst and what I want from Season Two. Thought I'd say Screencapped is catching up with it's Flash and Arrow screenshots but I didn't want to wait.
SCORE: 9/10
Highlights: Barry struggling with his decision/Joe and his Barry's father scenes
Eddie's sacrifice
Eobard's fight with Barry
That black hole was awesome and set up for season two
Let - Downs: Caitlin and Ronnie's wedding and those two character didn't really do anything
The great screenshots of the episodes where provided by the great site Screencapped. You can look for yourself from the link below;
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