Friday 19 September 2014

Bleach Review: Winded by the Shadow

Been busy so I only just now got time to review the chapter

The chapter begins with Pepe trying to crawl away from Liltotto and trying to calm her down, however she is having none of it and activates her Vollstandig. She then starts to open her massive mouth and then seemingly devours a scream Pepe.

You are f***ed!
The scene then changes to the Royal Palace and Tenjirō Kirinji is getting more than a little frustrated because his attacks aren't connecting with Yhwach despite him not appearing to dodge them at all. Yhwach then ignores Kirinji and starts to walk past him, Kirinji tries to attack him one last time but again it doesn't effect him and he can't sense any illusions involved either.

Yep, there isn't something odd happening here.
Senjumaru Shutara then confronts Yhwach with her personal guard and remarks that it has been ages since she lasts seen him. Yhwach however doesn't even reply and barely acknowledges her, instead he makes his way up the stairs. Shutara orders her guards to kill Yhwach but their swords are stopped just like Kirinji.

This is a really badass two page panel; her guards look really cool
The answer to Yhwach's immunity from attacks comes in the form of Sternritter W "The Wind"; Nianzol Weizol who emerges from Yhwach's shadow. He is a rather odd looking Sternritter who also possesses two tongues and the ability to deflect attacks. Before we can see anymore the chapter ends with Ichigo and his group preparing to go to the Royal Realm in the cannon.

When I first saw this I almost thought it was As Nodt
It is really refreshing to finally see some action back in the Royal Realm because for awhile I thought Yhwach's fight with Kirinji was going to happen off screen. I was relived that this is not the case and the only thing we have missed is Kirinji failing to land a hit on Yhwach. That is something that is ok to skip, I wasn't incredibly disappointed when three Sternritter where defeated off screen in Rubb Dolls 1.

We also get the introduction of a new Sternritter, Nianzol Weizol, who has a really unique look and an ability which is interesting and over powered. I am glad we have a reveal of another letter and that Yhwach has also brought more Sternritter to the Royal Realm.

Bet talking is a real pain for him
 We also get some great shots and art work in the Royal Realm, one of the best panels was Shutara with her guard because they have a badass design. I hope we see them more in action in the future and I am curious to what other abilities they might have.

The only let downs in the chapter was the beginning and the end; I am guessing by now that Pepe has turned out to be such a disappointment after so much hype. So unless people eaten by Liltotto can survive in her stomach Pepe is now dead and we also hardly knew ye. As for the ending, if I am honest I really didn't care that Ichigo is on his way back to the Royal Realm because the focus will just shift to him and I want to see more of the Zero Squad fight.

Overall this is a major improvement over the Rubb Dolls chapters and I hope that it either stays here for a while or the fights below get a lot more better.


Predictions: Haven't done this in a while but firstly I think the reason Yhwach isn't fighting the Zero Squad and letting Nianzol block the attacks is that he may have some way to make them serve him. He was going to make Ichigo serve him during the first invasion but we only got a vague hint about it but maybe he does have some brainwashing power. I think Nianzol (and maybe other Sternritter Yhwach has brought with him) will be opponents not for Ichigo but for Urahara, Chad, Orihime and Yoruichi and it will be interesting how they will get past Nianzol's ability.

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