Friday 26 September 2014

Bleach Review: The Shooting Star Project [We Only Have to Beat You Mix]

Lets crack on with another Bleach review.

The chapter begins right where it left off with the countdown with the cannon about to fire Ichigo and his group to the Royal Realm, however they are stopped by Ganju who insists on coming. After a brief argument where Ichigo warns Ganju about how dangerous it is they decide to let him on because he says he is ready and he has a map. After the blast off the group remembers how this is similar to when they rescued Rukia and Orihime sadly comments how Uryu was with them then, Ichigo says he will beat Ywach and bring Uryu back.

"Don't worry Sakura, I'll rescue Sasuke......wrong manga!"
It then changes back to the Royal Realm and Nianzol Weizol explains that is ability is to deflect all attacks and all the swords that are aimed at him will bend. At first Shutara believes that this ability can be counted by attacking Weizol from his blind spot but he quickly disproves this theory by bending the swords of his attackers, saying that if he has already seen the ability it doesn't matter if it is in his blind spot. He then uses his finger to bend one of the guard's sword even more and then slices three in half at the same time.

Bet this is really annoying for those guards
Shutara however says that the guards where not her true attack and that in a blink of an eye she managed to remake his entire trench coat with one of her hands. She then says that if he attempts to take it off he will not survive and sure enough Weizol is then impaled by a dozen spikes from his coat.

Really interesting chapter here; I thought it would go back to the fights back on the ground but we remain with Ichigo and the Zero Squad.

What I really like about this chapter was how the first part with Ichigo was like a nod to the Soul Society Recuse Arc, so it was really nostalgic to read it. It was really funny seeing Ganju and the group argue again even if it did waste quite a few pages when I wanted to see more fighting. It is still good to see Ganju again and he must have gotten way stronger or else he would not be so confident about going to the Royal Realm but where did he leave the Xcution members? It also once again raises the question on whether or not the Shibas have any connection to the Royal Realm because of how you must use the cannon to get up there and how Ganju has a map of the place.

I really don't think this is the end for him
We also got some great action in the Royal Realm; Weizol's ability is really interesting and I curious to who is going to fight him and get round it (I seriously doubt he is dead already). Weizol turned out to be a real sarcastic person when speaking, using his lisp as an excuse for not explain his abilities properly. Shutara also turns out to be a real badass and her stitching based abilities are really cool and it makes me all the more excited to see hers, and all the other Zero Squad members, Shikai and Bankai.

Overall this was a real solid chapter even though it felt kind of short and that is mainly because I felt the reunion between Ganju and the rest dragged out for too long.


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