Because of work I have decided to review TV shows all together in these one uploads a week. They will be similar to my quick reviews in that I will list what I liked and disliked in bullet points and you can find out what shows I review by looking at the labels attached to this upload.
The Flash Season Two: Potential Energy
Run Flash Run!!
While Joe and Iris try to get closer to the newly arrived Wally West (Keiynan Lonsdale) Barry has to deal with a Meta Human who is his worst kind of opponent; Russell Glosson AKA The Turtle (Aaron Douglas) who has the power to slow down time.
The Turtle was such an awesome villain in this episode because not only was he a really threat to the Flash he was really cam sold me on being this psychopathic killer. The effects of him slowing down everything was great and I loved the reveal that Cisco has been tracking down Meta Humans where not even aware of yet.
The interactions between Joe and Wally where a really highpoint and created some really tense drama moments between the two. I liked that that there is a rocky road ahead of them; we get to see them build their relationship rather than be instant father and son. Plus they did address Joe's faults in not being there for his son because he did throw sick wife out and faked her death; the things Wally said where harsh but overall there where not untrue and I am glad he brought them up.
The backstory on Zoom was so needed because Zoom has been lacking in development lately because he just hasn't been the focus that much but we finally learned more about him. Liked that Tom Cavanagh was the one to say the story because being such a great actor he made it so horrifying to hear, really enforcing Zoom as this unstoppable nightmare.
Finally the Reverse Flash is back baby!!! As a massive fan of comics I just knew he couldn't be gone for two long and I can't wait until next episode which will be all about me fav DC villain. Also while Tom Cavanagh was perfect as Eobard Thawne I can't wait to see Matt Letscher shine as him because he was also good in the short time we saw him in Season One.
Let Downs
This is stuff from the episode that isn't a big highlight or let down but I want to point them out anyway and first is the reveal the Jay is suffering from a fatal illness. I wish they explained a little bit more about this but they are probably saving it for future episodes to give him more to do; I really like Jay in this but the writers have bee ignoring him quite a bit. Also while I was unsure about him and Caitlin I guess its been handled really well so far.
I'm not really sure what to make of Patty leaving Central City, I doubt she's gone for good but this means we won't see her that much anymore. I did like there screen time in this like Barry struggling to reveal his secret while also terrified of what Zoom will do but I just hope Barry does just tell her and make her stay rather than just wasting off this relationship.
Overall a great midseason return with a great villain for the Flash but also some great character moments for the West family.
SCORE: 9/10
Arrow Season Four: Blood Debts
"Party time" |
Oliver goes on a rampage when Damien's last attack leaves Felicity paralyzed in the hospital while also having to have to deal with the return of Anarky.
- The return of Anarky because so far I think he has been an awesome villain in Season Four! I really like is insane and sadistic personality (helped by that creepy clear mask), it was cool how we saw his symbol drawn in blood and just like last time we got some awesome fight scenes from him. Seriously his fight with Oliver and Thea with his staff weapon was so great to see and a fine example of how good the fight scenes are I Arrow.
- This part is actually a continuation of the first one but I also really liked the connection Thea and Anarky seem to have. I know I have bashed Thea a bit this season but during the break I re watched the first half of Season Four and she is better than I initially thought. She has been doing way better than Laurel (will get to her in the let downs) because at least the writers are making more of an effort with her e.g. relationship with Malcolm, bloodlust and its effect on Damien and now her connection with Anarky. I hope Anarky continues his obsession with Thea and becomes like her nemesis.
- Oliver was really great in this episode because it is almost like his return to his more darker ways in Season One such as killing the Ghosts and freeing Anarky. Good job from Stephen Amell for going back to this darker side and struggling with Felicity's condition.
Let Downs
- Laurel was a real drag in this episode because from the beginning of the Season until now (with the exception of her small team up with Malcolm) all she seems to do is get in the way and make all the wrong decisions. I really liked her in Season Three because I enjoyed seeing her transition into becoming a vigilante but it seems there is nothing relevant for her to do now. I would like it if the writers gave her a recurring nemesis to concentrate on like Thea has Anarchy; Count Vertigo could have been hers but they have yet to bring him back.
- I also didn't care much for Diggle's moments with his brother because I don't know just have one beating Andy decides to give up some info. I mean what is the deal with Andy? Is he under Damien's control or did he join of his own free will?
- Finally after Damien's brutal attack on Oliver last episode he was barely featured in this episode. Sure they needed room for the return of Anarky which I really enjoyed but I just think he could have done more. Plus his fight scene with Oliver could have been better, there was an obvious blur for his stunt double and his excuse to let Oliver go was kind of weak to me.
- The Flashbacks did get interesting with the reveal that Oliver's tattoo has interested the Baron and we also got to see what the prison looked like before. However once again these Flashbacks could be way better because they need to pick up the plot a bit; the best Flashback this season was the one with Constantine because there was just so much going on.
- As for the funeral scene it was obvious it was never going to be Felicity and it is now confirmed however I really hope it doesn't turn out to be Quentin or Diggle because I think the show would really suffer for that. Who I hope it is, is either Roy because his actor wants to focus more on film or Donna because those two I think are two characters would cry and be that angry for.
Overall not as strong as the Flash return but Anarky really stole the show for me.
SCORE: 7/10
Legends Of Tomorrow: Pilot Part 1
In the year 2166 Vandal Savage has conquered the world so time traveller Rip Hunter returns to 2016 to form a team that can combat Savage across multiple time periods. This team includes the Atom, White Canary, Firestorm, Captain Cold, Heat Wave, Hawkman and Hawkgirl.
- The whole dystopian future, the Time Masters and time traveling was handled really well and fits in the overall DC TV universe. Praise especially goes to Arthur Darvill as Rip Hunter because he worked alongside the cast perfectly and has the real charisma for the leader.
- It was great seeing characters from Arrow and the Flash again and seeing them work and interact together such as Ray and Stein geek out over time travel. As I have said before Ray is one of my favourite characters and I liked his conversation with Oliver about how he believed he never made a difference before he "died", a nice sympathetic moment for The Atom. The fun surprise came with Sara forming a friendship with Leonard and Mick which gave us some really funny scenes and I hope these three stick together a lot now.
- Loved the moments with Kendra and Carter because like I said on their appearance in Arrow and Flash, besides a few differences from the comics, their story arc with Savage has been perfect. I really love watching their story arc and some of the strongest scenes came from them such as them fighting to decide to go or not or meeting their son and watching him die.
- Finally glad to see Cronus who is a Atom villain in the comics; he looks so badass and I look forward to seeing more of him. Plus quite the twist he works for the Time Masters, I thought he worked for Savage when watching the trailers.
Let Downs
Waaaaaaaay too much exposition from Rip Hunter and other characters and I wished they spent less time on it or better yet tell it through some Flashbacks like on Arrow.
Jackson was a weak link in this because I really don't get where all this doubt and reluctance to fight came from?
Reverse Flash says he is from a 150 years in the future so why did he never mentioned that Savage has taken it over? Could it be possible that Malcolm changed the timeline somehow when he took Savage's ashes?
Wish there was more of Savage because he was a great villain but since this is part 1 I hope he is in part 2 more.
Overall an awesome start to the series and I can see this going for ages and being an epic TV show!
SCORE: 8/10
The great screenshots of these episodes where provided by the great site Screencapped. You can look for yourself from the link below;