Wednesday 18 June 2014

Resident Evil Rant Part Two: Rebooting the Series

This is long overdo but the reason for that is because I have been very busy lately and I have only now just found the time to get round to writing part two. Those who have read my previous Resident Evil Rant may already now that I am dissatisfied with the direction the games have taken and I feel that it is in everyone's best interest if the series is rebooted. I will now make a list of what I think Capcom can do to make a good reboot and what mistakes it needs to avoid making again.

1. Never get rid of the zombies!
Had to get this one out of the way first because it is the most obvious one and the fall of the Resident Evil games started when they replaced zombies with intelligent parasites. When your enemies in survival horror games can jump around and use machine guns and bazookas then it turns in to an action game and that is something no true Resident Evil fan wanted. Leon's story in 6 did a good job of trying to bring zombies back and found a good way of letting them use weapons (they would drunkenly use clubs and guns like a proper zombie would) but Chris and Jack ruined that good work.

2. Don't overload it with too many B.O.Ws
In the old games they had great ones like Hunters, Lickers and Bandersnatch but in 6 they have the enemies mutant in to these stupid looking ones and in 4 and 5 I hated that they all looked like insects and parasites. Also in the old ones they always saved the stronger enemies for the right moments like the boiler room in the Resident Evil 1 mansion lab or the hospital in Resident Evil 3.

3. Don't load us down with too much ammunition and weapons
These shops and ammo drops in 4 and 5 really put me off the entire experience, probably more than anything else in the games. They may have got rid of the shops in 6 and went back to finding weapons in the field but the enemies still dropped too much ammo. Whenever I fought a boss in the new games I was not worried about losing to them at all. One of the most scary things about bosses in the old games was wondering if I might have been too trigger happy on the zombies and saved nothing! lack of resources and feeling like you can be killed at anytime is what makes a survival horror game a great survival horror game.

4. No QTE
Does this really need an explanation?

5. No multiplayer
I did sometimes enjoy this but I think it would be best if they got rid of so they can focus more on a single player experience because again that is what made the old games great. However if they want to have multiplayer than keep it for mercenaries because I still really enjoy that mode and maybe they could make more mini games if they want.

6. Don't abandon good characters
I don't know about anyone else but I just got sick of seeing Leon and Chris in every new Resident Evil game and why the hell don't we know what happened to great characters like Rebecca, Billy or Carlos?? Unless the character has died then keep them active in the overall story.

7. Don't get rid of the Umbrella Corporation
If they do reboot the series and use the Umbrella corporation again then for God's sake don't get rid of such a cool and powerful enemy in a prologue in 4! Umbrella was a really great and menacing company that doesn't care about human life at all and we did not even get to see their downfall properly. And as for Spencer the shadowy head of Umbrella who we never see and only heard off in the past - don't kill him off in such a lacklustre way after so much build up.

8. Don't go running around the entire world
There has not be single location in the new games as good as the old ones because they keep moving the settings around too much. They need to confine it in a single location so they can put more of an effect in to it, like the mansion and Raccoon City. Only Code Veronica X has done it right so far.

9. Bring back backtracking
As I mentioned in Part One I really like the backtracking in the old games; going back to old locations with a new key and running in to more enemies. The new games felt like we were just walking forward a liner corridor no matter how much they made us fell the levels were big.

10. Bring back typewriters and ink ribbons
Hate auto save because like with more ammo and weapons they take away the whole danger of the games. Because they limited the saves to ink ribbons you had to make sure you don't waste them for near the end of the game.

There you go ten good rules for Capcom to stick to if they decided to reboot the Resident Evil games. If you can think of anymore please let me know!

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