"We should really get together more often" |
Team Arrow and Team Flash try to protect Hawkman and Hawkgirl from Vandal Savage while the rest of their comrades try to come up with a way to defeat the immortal.
You know I bet when Arrow Season One started with a simple overall plot of one man trying to destroy the city I bet it didn't think it would have elements like immortality and reincarnation in the future lol. The Hawkgirl/Hawkman subplot continues and this time we get Flashbacks to ancient Egypt where their troubles began and it was handled so well like the amazing set and costumes. Again while their are a few changes (like Savage being in Egypt when he got his immortally from the meteorite as a caveman) I praise how closely they are sticking to the comic book origins of Hawkgirl/Hawkman. I liked how nicely they tied Savage's origins to them such as his need to kill them to sustain his powers rather than through his blood sacrifices in the comics, they made it make sense. Again all three characters are so good such as Carter having all of the past lives knowledge so he is more of a rash trainer because he already knows how it goes, Kendra going through the motions of such a burden but finding her courage in the end and Savage's impressive and menacing presence to the heroes. Loved the two fights between Savage and the heroes because again they used such great special effects like when Savage killed all of the heroes and destroyed the whole city! I also liked the final scene with Malcolm retrieving Savage's ashes probably to restore his body because first I knew even as ashes it wouldn't be the end of Savage and secondly it was such a Malcolm thing for him to do, double - crossing the heroes for his own ends.
This is how it all started |
As for everything else time travel was brought back which was a surprise I never saw coming! Like the first time it was shown it was used in such a way that it didn't feel too convenient for Barry to exploit it. This is because when we saw the ghost even Barry didn't know what it meant which increases are sense of danger for them confronting Savage and when Barry does go back in time he changes just the right things. These are just Kendra finding her confidence, fixing the gloves and Oliver bringing everyone to the battle; it didn't feel too OP it felt like they did enough just for a fighting chance. Now since this is still an Arrow episode Oliver got more spotlight this time and that involved the subplot with his son and unlike the Well's subplot last episode this one fit in the overall plot a more nicely. Amell really was great in these scenes because it gave Oliver some really intense and emotionally confusing moments to deal with and he handled it brilliantly. I am looking forward to Oliver having more interactions with his son and how it effects him I future Arrow episodes, though I am slightly disappointed his son isn't named Connor Hawk like he is in the comics (maybe it's his middle name?). As for the let downs I found Felicity to be so annoying in Oliver's subplot, I mean couldn't she just keep her nose out of it because this was something emotional big for Oliver and I just hated her when she confronted him about it in the old timeline. Sorry I don't know about anyone else but since Oliver only really just found out he was a father I just really wished he told Felicity to shut up and mind her own business. Finally the pacing this episode was a lot more slower than the last one, especially during the scenes at the farmhouse which reminded me so much of Avengers 2.
"Ok birds lets get this over with" |
Overall maybe not as good as part one but this nevertheless was still a strong Hawkgirl, Hawkman and Savage episode and a good set up for Legends Of Tomorrow.
SCORE: 7/10
Highlights: Hawkgirl, Hawkman and Savage plot/Flashbacks
Good use of time travel
Oliver subplot
Let - Downs: Felicity really annoyed me
Slower pace
The great screenshots of these episodes where provided by the great site Screencapped. You can look for yourself from the link below;
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