"I've already fought Superman so let's try Supergirl" |
Cat runs an expose on Supergirl meanwhile Kara must deal with one of Superman's oldest and must formidable enemies; Ben Krull AKA Reactron (Chris Browning).
Wow we get Superman more involved in this episode than I thought so maybe that might mean one day he will get a proper appearance than a cameo? This episode once again deals with Kara's inexperience at being a hero and addresses the issue as to why she doesn't just call Superman for help all the time. The answer is simple in the fact that Kara wants to be her own hero, one that the people can look up to first in National City rather than just a plan B if Superman isn't around. I liked how Kara dealt with it; fighting Reactron in her own ways such as first trying to reason with him (I liked that this showed her compassionate side to the villain) then using force as a must. In the end I feel that she did prove herself to her friends, Superman and Cat who was writing a bad article on her. I also really liked the end of the episode when she had that message chat with Clark because while I know the series is limited to how much they can use Superman it is could to see some communication between them. Now as for the villain he was the best one by far! Reactron was so freaking cool, from the look of his armour to his awesome energy based attacks and fight scenes but it was his backstory that was a highlight. It was just really cool and such a good move to have an enemy of Superman make an appearance because it does expand the TV universe in showing that major events have happened before the start. He may have just been in one episode so far (hope he comes back!) but I feel he has been the best developed villain because of his tragic backstory and history with Superman, plus he isn't just going after Supergirl because he was ordered to he has his own proper reasons to.
"Talk to the hand!" |
As for everything else I was glad to see more of Maxwell Lord because he is a great DC villain and while I do like the actor portraying him I don't think this debut did the character justice. He was only really in this to fix Reactron's armour something a generic scientist could have done and he just comes across as an annoying rich playboy. However I will give the show the benefit of the doubt in that they are going to develop him from a good guy to a villain plus I did like this hinted relationship between him and Cat so we'll see where that goes. I also think James was a tad disappointing because after everything he said last episode of getting out of Superman's shadow he goes ahead a calls him without hesitation. Sure he apologized, sure he put his life on the line to stop Reactron but I just thought he had more faith in Supergirl after all the encouragement he has been giving her and them sharing the same desires of being their own person. Winn I admit is growing on me; he is a fun character to watch whether with his enthusiasm to help Suergirl or trying to win her affection lol. Finally I didn't like that Alex and the DEO managed to find the way to stop Reactron conveniently at the end because I would rather Kara, James and Winn found out themselves when the DEO where barely involved this episode. I know I have already said I didn't like them much but I think I would more if they weren't just squeezed in just for a little screen time. However Henshaw still peaks my curiosity by displaying his red eyes and again I really, really hope he turns out to be Cyborg Superman!!
So what past do these two have? |
Overall this episode had the best villain by far, had some great development for Kara and managed to include Superman in really well without taking too much from Sueprgirl. Thought I'd take the time to say that I haven't forgotten the new Arrow episode I was just too busy in Wednesday to review it so I will get round to it and I will no longer be reviewing Bleach because I will be more busy again soon because of work and I'd rather find time for these shows than Bleach.
SCORE: 7/10
Highlights: Reactron was a kickass villain!
Kara becoming more and more her own hero
Cat still great and Winn is improving
Let - Downs: Maxwell Lord's debut could have been better
James wasn't too good this episode
The DEO just squeezed in at the end to help with the villain
The great screenshots of these episodes where provided by the great site Screencapped. You can look for yourself from the link below;
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